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move on


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"you know jihoon, i was surprised when you agreed to go with me" seokhwa smiled as they were both riding the ferris wheel. "why's that ?" he kindly asked.

"everyone knows you're in a love triangle with junkyu & mashiho... its pretty obvious" he chuckled

"oh yea... well, i agreed because i made a promise to hyunsuk. mashiho actually asked me out after school, i told him i already agreed to go with you, even if he asked before i would've rejected the invite" jihoon chuckled.

"im not sure if its obvious, but i've enjoyed this 'date' or whatever you'd like to call it" he softly said laughing. it made jihoon kindly laugh too. "i've enjoyed this date too" he smiled.

they got off the ferris wheel . "i had so much fun today, thank you" seokhwa smiled.

"same here, we should hangout more" he softly smiled as they both headed towards the rest of the group.

"wait–" seokhwa slightly pulled jihoon's sleeve

"what is it ?" he moved closer, jihoon felt his lips coming in contact with his. "woah– seokhwa... im sorry if i gave you the wrong idea, i still like mashiho, im really sorry"

"oh, yea im sorry, i'll– bye" he ran off before jihoon could say bye. jihoon slowly walked back to where the group agreed to meet up, he noticed doyoung's arm around mashiho.

"wheres your date ?" junkyu asked as he ran putting his arm around his best friend. "he left, he saw his other friends"

"ohh, so how'd it go ??~~~" junkyu cheekily asked. "it went well, but i thought you were mad at me ?? you punched me like half an hour ago" he laughed. even junkyu laughed at that. both the boy's go through a lot but always come back to each other in the end.

"we both like mashiho, am i correct ?" he stopped in front of jihoon, he put both hands on his best friends shoulders. "yes ?" jihoon was confused, he thought he already knew the answer to what he just asked

"mashiho isn't aware i like him, by the way, hyunsuk told me everything, congrats! your lips are no longer virgins" jihoon chocked on his best friends sentence. he only ever told hyunsuk, but everyone tells hyunsuk things, he's good at keeping secrets.

"anyways, i plan on telling him i like him too, & im telling him on monday, when we go back to school"

jihoon's only concern was mashiho picking junkyu, especially after what he put the japanese boy through.


"great everyone is here" hyunsuk smiled. until he looked & noticed seokhwa wasn't with jihoon. he didn't bother asking due to mashiho being present.

"haruto & i helped junghwan with inhong" jeongwoo informed laughing. they had helped junghwan with his first ever victim. haruto looked away disappointed, he just wanted to hangout with jeongwoo, not help him & his other friend play an innocent boy who probably felt happy for finally getting noticed by his crush.

"i thought we agreed to not let him do that until he's a soph– you know what im not even surprised, congratulations junghwan, you're officially apart of the group" hyunsuk chuckled patting the younger boy.

the five japanese boy's jaws dropped. they didn't realize that was the groups initiation. "anyways my mom is inviting us back to my place to eat, i sent my address to the groups chat"

all the boys were happy to end their day eating bbq at hyunsuk's place. as they all separated trying to find rides to go to hyunsuk's place mashiho couldn't hold it in anymore, he had to ask jihoon something.

"mashiho please don't–" the shorter boy escaped doyoung's drip, he knew what he was going to do, before he could say anything else the japanese boy pulled onto jihoon's arm.

"why'd you take seokhwa ? you promised you'd take me" he was on the verge of tears.

"please don't do this right now..." jihoon looked around, junkyu , junghwan, haruto & jeongwoo were looking at the two boy's. once jihoon glanced at them they all decided to wait for the uber outside the school's gate.

mashiho kept holding onto the older's arm. "i don't like you anymore mashiho, please move on" & with that he pulled his arm away harshly. jihoon made his way to the others leaving a crying mashiho.

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