Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Back to School

I woke up and to get ready for school.
I let my hair open, straightening them a little and used some lip balm and.

I grabbed my white converse and bag, running out of the door

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I grabbed my white converse and bag, running out of the door. I ate the breakfast mum left hurriedly and locked the door before heading towards Peter's.

I wasn't late, I was just excited for the first day of school, or maybe to see Peter again but I won't accept it. I reached the same brown door and knocked.

The door was opened by Peter, who was all ready for school. A smile on his face.

" Morning. I'll grab my bag. " He stated and I nodded. He came back in a few seconds and locked the door before we started walking.

" I just hope we have at least some same classes. " I mumbled and Peter chuckled. We didn't have any classes together last year so it was very disappointing and I was hoping I'd get some this year.

" Sophomore Year. How will it go? " Peter asked and I smiled.

" We have to find it out. " I stated as we climbed in the subway.

We gave our pass and entered the subway train, standing because all the seats were full.

We talked all the way to the school, laughing at silly jokes and getting wierd looks but I didn't care. I was with Peter and I didn't care what others thought about me.

We reached the school and got our schedules and locker numbers.

" Cool! Your locker is right beside
mine. " Peter stated and I grinned, checking the slips.

" And... We have four classes together. Yay!! " I jumped happily, giving him a quick hug and started rolling the numbers in my locker. I organized my locker first, adding books to a section, other things also decided.

" I've never seen anyone's locker so clean. " I heard and turned around.

" Oh, hi! How was vacation Flash? " I ask and he smiles.

" It was good. What about you? " He asks, leaning on the locker beside mine.

" It was as always... Amazing. " I said with a chuckle and he rolled his eyes.

" Spending time with losers is amazing for you? " He asks and I shrugged.

" I'd like to hang out with my type of people." I stated and he laughed.

" You called yourself a loser. " He rubbed it in and I rolled my eyes once again.

" I know, Flash. I know. " I stated and he shook his head.

" So, Penis-" He starts and I nudged him so hard that he grabbed his stomach. I sent him a glare and he sighed.

" Never mind. " He mumbled dismissively and left. I shook my head at his back, grabbing books for my first two lessons.

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