Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Run the other way!

Y/n was sitting at the coffee table, doing her work patiently and so were Ned and MJ but Peter seemed in a hurry. He was glancing at the clock, tapping his foot on the ground continously.

His phone binged and caught everyone attention.

" I need to go. " He says, getting up and apologized before leaving. Eventually, Ned and MJ left too but Y/n sat there, sipping her Black Forest Cake Frappuccino.

" He's been pretty shady lately. What's he upto? " She mumbled, taking another sip from the heavenly drink.

She recalled how Peter has been missing their study sessions, everytime they decide to hang out, he'd make an excuse of this Stark Internship and bails on them. And coming to school the next day with either a black eye or bruised cheek. He often skips classes and shows up on wierd times at school.

She shook it off, deciding to ask him sometime and went back home with cup in her hand.


Y/n pressed the bell and Liz turned to her.

" Nuetral. " She states and Liz grinned.

" That's right, Y/n. Next question. What is the heaviest naturally occurring element? " She asks and Charles rings the bell. But Y/n was too busy eavesdropping Mr. Harrington and Peter's conversations.

" What's going on? " Cindy asks and everyone turns towards them.

" Peter's not going to Washington. " Some girl said, who was lying on the floor, papers scrattered around her as she wrote.

" No, no, no, no. NO. " Cindy says, a horror expression on her face.

" Why not? " Abe asks too.

" He already quit robotics lab and marching band. " MJ said, everyone turning their heads to her.

" I'm not obsessed with him. Just very observant. " She stated with an emotionless face and everyone turned back to the conversation. Y/n eyed MJ for a second, before looking back at Peter.

" If Mr. Stark needs me, I have to be here. " Peter repeats.

" Really? Right before Nationals?, " Liz asks and Peter nodded.

" Flash. You're in for Peter. " Liz stated to Flash, who was sitting on one of the chairs.

" Oof... I don't know. I gotta check my calender first. I got a hot date with Black Widow coming up. " He states and Y/n giggled.

" That is the lamest lame thing I've ever heard. " Y/n says, pressing the bell and getting snickers all around and a playful glare from Flash.

" That is false. " Abe ringed the bell too and Mr. Harrington looked up.

" What did I tell you about using the bell for comedic purpose? " Mr. Harrington warns and Y/n slumps in her seat, trying not to laugh.

After another short arguement, the session was already over and Y/n got up, slinging the bag to her right shoulder and looked up.

Peter had already disappeared. She frowned and walked back her home herself. She spotted Delmar's and smiled, walking inside.

Grabbing a packet of Gummy Worms that Y/n loved and placed it on the counter.

" Hello, Mr. Delmar. " Y/n greets and the kind man smiles.

" Hullo, Y/n. How come you and Peter are not together today? " He asks and
Y/n chuckled.

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