Chapter 13.

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It's been weeks since I had that dinner with the guys. And honestly, I haven't kept my promise to Peter. I've almost everyday of the week in the real world with Matthew. But when I do go to Aquam, I'm busy training, learning spells, and training again.  I hardly ever see Peter at all. He is probably really mad at me. 

As Matthew drops me off at the nature trail, he kisses me good- bye and I get out. I look back at him to wave good-bye, but my eyes turn to his collar bone. I bite my lip as I try to maintain a smile. He waves backs and pulls out of the parking lot. This can't be happening. I have to be seeing things. He is not like you. He is not one of us. I push the thought far out of my mind and head for the portal. 

The day is cloudy and dark. It might rain today. I wonder what's the weather in Aquam. Once I finally went through the portal, I see Peter with my horse. He doesn't say anything when I take the my horse from him. He has a very serious face, which frightens me. I look up at the sky. It's just like the real world. I get on my horse while Peter watches me carefully.

 We ride in silence as thunder starts to roll above the kingdom. About half way to the castle, I stop my horse. Peter looks back at me and frowns. "Come on, we have to get there before the storm comes in," he says. Without thinking I say, "No." 

He turns around with wide eyes. "No?" I tilt my head down, avoiding his eyes. "Once you tell me what's wrong then we'll move forward," I tell him. His eyes narrow. He pulls his horse closer to mine. 

"You didn't keep your promise. Now you spend more time in the Outsider's worlds than here. Have you forgotten that you need to prepare your self to save this kingdom. And we have limited time to do so," he says, as he raise his voice," You need to take this seriously or you will be lying on your death bed!" 

Even though I was expecting this he somehow ticked my off. I feel the anger rising to my mouth. "Okay, I'm sorry that I didn't keep my promise, but you don't know how much pressure this puts me in! Everyone is telling me the same thing. That I have to save the kingdom, which might cost me my life.  But once I'm in the real world, I can just leave those thoughts behind me.  I feel free."

Peter's face doesn't soften. Instead it becomes more stern. We stay there speak less. Both reading each others face. A large roll of thunder breaks the tension in the air. I jump a little but Peter remains motion less. "Lets go," he says. 

Once we reach the castle gates, we see the instructor. I order my horse to move quicker. As I move closer I notice he is yelling something. "Put your horses in and search the village! We need to find the Queen!" he exclaims. What? What is she doing out in this weather?

"Where is King Charles?" I ask, hoping he is not out searching for his wife.  

 "He is in the Great Hall, but we have a few knights to make sure he stays there. He was about to fight Alston if we didn't say we would try to find her," explains the instructor. My eyes widen in surprise. He must really love her to fight Alston.  Even though I hate to admit it, Alston is pretty strong. 

I look at Peter. His face shows no emotion, but his eyes tell all. He's worried. "Don't worry sir, I'll find the Queen," I say. 

"Better do it quick because it looks like a nasty storm is about come in,"he says. He runs back to the castle as me and Peter go out searching. 

We run through every nook and corner of the village. We shout out for her, hoping she can her us through the loud howls of the wind. It makes running more difficult but we won't give up until we find her. And it helps us learn to deal with dangerous weather in the battle field. 

Droplets of water begin to fall upon us. The wind and thunder grows louder as we search like maniacs. Lighting appears and disappears in a blink of an eye. The sky is a blanket of grey and black. 

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