Chapter 23.

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Matthew is now finally asleep. After numerous attempts to get him to take a nap, he finally obliged. His injuries have been fully healed(thanks to me), except the one cut on his head. Out of all the injuries, it was his head that didn't heal.


I asked Milton if he would teach Hunter and Chris while I was taking care of Matthew. However, the three were inseparable.

"But we want to take care of him too," they whined.

"No. The King wanted me to teach you, and you will learn," I explained, "You can come and take care of him when you're finished."

That also took quite effort, but I manage to get them to leave the room. They ended up racing each other down the stair case. I laughed at the two idiots. I looked at Matthew with his bandaged head, I notice how innocent his face looked. How he looked when I met him.

Even though I was in elementary school when we met, he still has the same, soft facial features. He is still that sweet kid that I befriended years ago. It took me awhile to actually get used to a male friend, which seems stupid when you look back at it.

Now I'm here looking after him. He has come to my world to only find a new side of me. A side I kept to myself for years. Yes, I have considered telling him, but I made a promise. Who knows what will become of me if I broke it?

As I tuck Matthew in, I notice a piece of paper stuck to the back of his shirt. I pull it out without waking him. I unfold the paper, which sadly makes a ruffling sound as I do, and my heart stops.

It was a letter from the King of Darkness.

The paper is all wrinkled and ripped at the edges. The ink has a foul scent. It feels wrong just to hold the paper. It feels dangerous. I need to know what it says. I take a deep breath and start to read it.

Dear Prophet,

 I'm now aware that you are indeed alive and that my worthless Turdak failed his assignment. But I'm also aware that you have dear outsiders inside your kingdom. I would keep a good eye on them. Who could tell what could happen if they are not careful out in a new world? It would be such a shame if anything horrible were to happen to them?

~ The King of Darkness

I crush the letter into my fist. How can he do that? He can't possibly do that to them! Of course he can. He has no sympathy, no mercy in him. He is cruel creature who probably kills innocent people on a daily basis. He lives to see people suffer.

But I won't allow it. I will protect them if it's the last thing I do. I glance back at Matthew. He doesn't know what dangers lie before him. He is just an innocent person who doesn't deserve to die. And he won't.

"I'll be right back," I whisper to him even though I know he can't hear me. I leave the room half running, half walking towards the Great Hall. The letter tightly clutched inside my hand as I go.

I push the massive doors open. I let my face fall when I see no one in the room. Instead the room is filled with floral decor, long red drapes hanging from the walls, and elegant furniture genitally placed around the room. They place looks absolutely breathtaking. The decor keeps surprising me each year. 

"What can I do for you?" asks a familiar voice behind me. I turn around and take a bow.

"Your Majesty. I have something important to show you," I said, handing King Charles the note. He hesitates, but takes the note. Once he finished reading, he look back at me.

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