Chapter 7.

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        "Hey Matthew." I say, trying to hide the excitement in my voice. 

     "Oh, hey Megan. How's your summer? He asks. He sounds tried. Must of have soccer practice tonight. 

        "I'm doing good, so...... we're dating." I sound unsure about our relationship. Luckily he lets out a laugh, which causes me to smile. "Yeah, about you want to go out tomorrow? You know like a date." he said. My heart starts to race. I don't respond automatically, but I mange to get the words out.

  "Um..yeah that, that would be great."I replied. I hit myself on the forehead. Stupid,stupid,stupid. Matthew laughs again. I will never get tried of hearing that sound. "Alright I'll text you tomorrow, bye." he says. 

        "Bye." I said back. He ends the call and I just fall on top of my bed. I'm going to go on my first date tomorrow. I don't even know, I don't even know.  After a few minutes of laying on the bed, looking into the abyss, I got up and changed into my gown. The neckline had a lace of gold thread and the dress was a color of green. Not like the dark green or neon, it was the green that one sees on vines. I put on black flats and put my black, long hair in a braid to the side.

         I headed down to the kitchen to get some dinner with some colleagues. I walk down to a small little building surrounded by a huge garden. I knocked on door and she opens it. " Hello Eglantine." I said. She gives me a smile and then gives me my plate of food. Its a piece of fish with fresh green beans and a scone. "Peter told me you were coming today so I made one of your favorites. I wish I could of made the stew, but the King didn't feel like it." I gave her a smile as a thank you and she closes the door. I turn my heels and head for the picnic table. 

        Peter is already eating. He looks up when he sees me walk towards him. He gives me a concern look. I don't know why he is so worry until I see who else is sitting at the table. Alston notices me and gives me a fake smile. "Hello Megan." I don't respond. The more I ignore him, the more likely he will leave. I quietly sat down next to Peter, avoiding Alston's eyes. But he won't give up that easily. "The reason I decide to come here is to make sure you and your boyfriend don't do anything that you too might regret." 

        Anger filled my face. I was going to shut him up right then and there, but Peter beats me to it. "Why don't you shut the fuck up?! I'm NOT her boyfriend alright. She already has one and if you ever try to bother her again, I swear that will be the last thing you'll ever do!" His face is so close to Alston's that if he moves a inch closer, he would be touching his nose. I could tell Alston is trying hard to hide his fear, but his eyes are show it all. 

        "Gees man, alright. I was just joking. Don't have to get all up in my face." Alston said. He takes a few steps back. Peter still seems very angry. I turn towards Peter, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Peter calm down okay. He's not worth getting mad at. Just sit down and eat. Okay?" I said in a gentle voice. He nods and quietly sits down. I'm still stunned that he acted that way. I have never seen him burst out like that. I know Alston can be a pain, but even I wouldn't do that and I'm known for being very intimidating. 

        Through the entire dinner, Peter avoided to meet my eyes. He's been acting more stange than usual. Since a few years now he seemed more different. The first time I met him, it was only a few weeks since first I came here.

        I just finished training with the other knights so I went to go sit on the steps in front of the castle doors. I was looking out towards the market, people who were passing by was giving a suspisous look. No one really trusted me. Then I felt someone was right behind me. I quickly turned around and swung my fist, but he quickly grabbed my arm. 

        "You are really quick, but not quick enough." the boy said. He wore the same kind of clothes that are just like my knights suits. Except that his was green and he wore brown leggings and boots. I seen him before. He was really good student who was even better than some of the older apprentices. He was a quick, dangerous, and a deadly warrior. I retrieve my arm from his grip. He sat right next to me and I scoot a little bit to the other direction. 

        "What do you want?" I asked. I didn't mean to sound cruel. Luckily he didn't take it like that. He looked at me and scooted more to my direction. "I saw you sitting here alone and my mother said that I have to make friends my own age, not with the older boys," he replied,"And I wanted to see if you are truly dangerous, but I know I see your not."

        "Why did you think I was dangerous?" I asked, "I'm only six." I don't know why people don't trust me.  " I didn't say that I thought you were dangerous. And by the way, my name is Peter." he said. He seems like a kid who I wouldn't trust, but I did anyway. "My name is Megan."

        "I already know. You said it when the King asked you." Peter said. There was a small moment of silence. Surprisingly, I was the one who broke the silence. " How old are you?" 

        "I'm seven." he said. I was surprised. He seemed to be my age, but I did notice that he was taller than me. "Hey, do you want to see something cool?" he asked me. 

        "Um... sure." I barely know this kid and he wants to something. That sounds very dangerous, but curiosity is starting to take over. Peter got up and headed for the castle gates. He then realized that I hadn't moved a muscle and frowned. "Come on, lets go." 

        I got up and started to follow him out the gates. It felt like it took hours to get there. This cool thing must be hidden deep in the forest. Finally, we got to the place. "Well, here it is." Peter said. I was amazed at how clear the lake was. Anyone can see the bottom with no problem. It was absolutely beautiful. "Are we going to swimming?" I asked eagerly. 

        "No, we are not allowed to swim in this lake. Its a sacred lake." he replied, "On the anniversary of Aquam, the lake will start to glow. That's when we have a ball. We come out here and honor the Kingdom with a huge party." 

        "That's sounds like fun, when is it?" I asked. I always wanted to go to a big party. Peter laughed and answered my question. "Its tomorrow,but I never want to go." 

         "Why not?" I asked. How can someone not go to an amazing event, especially since they live here. Peter lets out a sigh. "Because you have to bring someone with you, or else its no fun." he admits. Before I could think about what I was about to do, I said,"I could go with you." 

        Peter's eyes widen in surprise."I mean as friends." I said, trying not to make it awkward. "Um okay, but I recommend for you to stay with me the whole time, so you don't get lost in all the commotion." he said.  

        The next day we went to the ball. Peter was right about all the commotion. It was full of people. Dancing, cheering, and drinking people. The music can be heard for miles. The lake was glowing in all its glory. We both decided not to dance, since that might start rumors. Instead, we talked all night. Turns out we had so much in common. After that, we became an inseparable duo. Both strong,both smart, both respected. Now here we are. Not talking and making no eye contact.

        "I'm going to my room, okay?" I said in a gentle voice. He nods and I get up from my seat. As a walk away, I hear his voice behind me. "Don't forget that we have to go to the forest tomorrow. To get  some herbs for Eglantine." I turn around to face him. His eyes still looking at the ground. " I can't go. I have to go on a date with Matthew." I told him. He looks up, his face unreadable. "Oh, um okay, its just that-" he pauses,unable to know what to say, "We did this for a while now. It will be different without you." 

        "I'm sorry, but I'm sure you'll mange." I said. I feel bad leaving Peter alone, but I will be with him the whole summer. But I still can't shake this feeling of gulit inside of me. I turned around and walked to my room. 

        It's still to early to go to sleep, but my body needs all the sleep it could get. Training always drains the life out of me. I took a quick look at the mirror. My brown skin going with the green gown. I notice my dark brown eyes. Wait, what? Oh no, my contacts. I take out my contacts and look once again at the mirror. Clear, blue eyes appear in the mirror. So mysterious, it can bring fear to one's face. 

        I take off my gown and get my night gown. I slid under the sheets and close my eyes. No dreams will appear tonight. 


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