Chapter 3.

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        The ride to the nature trail is quiet. My mom doesn't even bother to ask me anything. She already knows that every time I come here, I am trapped in my thoughts. Its and its the same. How I found Aquam. 

        I was six years-old. Around that time, my family would always take a hike in the nature trail every Sunday. On one Sunday, my parents decided to go to the trail more early than usual, which I wasn't very happy about. So we all got dressed, ate breakfast and got in the car to head for the trail. Once we got there, my parents said not to run off when we take breaks. I agreed and we started to walk. There was a light breeze and the plant life seemed more green and lush than usual.

         It was very beautiful. After we walked about two or three miles, we decide to take a break. I was very thirsty and quickly grabbed the water bottle before anyone else could. The water tasted fresh and cool. I took a few more sips and handed it over to my parents. As I was giving it to them, I notice a bright, faint green light. Before I even thought about what my parents said earlier, I carefully got up and walked towards it. 

        I could hear the crunch of fallen sticks and dead leaves under my feet as I walk to the green light.  My eyes are locked on it. After a few minutes of walking, the light seems brighter. Then another few minutes past, then another, then another. At one point, I notice something green, laminating through my white shirt.

        I check to see what it is and I screamed. I was six at the time so I didn't know as much as do now about the marks. My mysterious, four diamond-shaped markings on my collar bone are glowing green. I've always had the marks as long as I can remember. My parents said they just started appearing and not to tell or show anyone I have them. Of course, I listen to them then.  

        After a few went by, I finally reached the strange light. That's when I realized, I wasn't just a green light. It looked liked some sort of portal. Of course, I was six and I thought it was pretty cool. My curiosity got the best of me and I decided to go through the portal without looking back. 

        I ended up rolling down some hill. Once I reached flat ground, I was really dizzy. I finally got my self together and look around the place. Obviously I wasn't in the nature trail anymore. I was on a really high hill and there was only forest that surrounded me. However, I notice deep in the distance there was a small civilization. It would probably take me all day to get there. Then I notice a little dirt road only a bit down hill. I go down to towards it and start to follow its path. Its only been about twenty minutes, but it felt like hours.

        I started to hear some noises far in the distance. I ignore them, but they keep getting louder. They sound like horses, but I wasn't really threaten. However, once they got really close, I notice that I was in trouble. Six or seven knights on horse back started surrounding me. I felt very frighten, I don't know what they are going to do to me.

        They draw their swords and pointed them at me. I froze and didn't move a muscle. One of the knights came forward. From the way he looks and the armor he has on, he seems to be the leader. He looks straight at me. His face stern and straight. It seems to me that he didn't care if I was kid, I am in his territory and he doesn't like it.

        "Who are and where did you come from?" he asked. His voice is loud and harsh and he is demanding an answer. At first, no words came out. I was to shocked and terrified that a knight is right in front of me. But I mange to get my voice back.

        "My name is Megan Cortes and I came from some sort of portal or something." I replied back, trying hard to hide the fear in my voice. The "Head Knight" eyes widen. I'm not sure if it was my voice or the fact that I got here through the portal. But the surprise the left his face and sternness took over.

        "You need to come with us. I think the King would like to hear about you." He said with a cruel smile on his face. Two knight then got off their horse and hand-cuff me with stone chains. The weight is almost unbearable. Then the same two knights put me on top of a horse and one of them got on with me to make sure I didn't fall or run away. It took only about an hour to get to place they needed to take me. I realized the small civilization from earlier was really a huge and mighty kingdom. 

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