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Everyone was sitting in living room and was waiting for me to speak while I had been crying for like half an hour on Jimin's shoulder hugging him tightly. After sometime Sana broke the silence.

" Y/N if you will not tell us what has happened then how will we help you. Here , drink water and calm down then you can tell us what has happened." She said while handing me a glass of water

I drank the water in one gulp and waited for a few minutes so I can calm down. After that I started speaking.

" Today I went to pick up our new boss at airport." I said

" That's good siso. You already met our new boss." Jimin said while smiling

" It is not just that Jimin. Something must have happened that's why she was a crying mess few minutes ago." Natalie said

" Did the new boss did something to you or did he said something rude to you. Tell me I will deal with that bastard." Jimin said in an angry tone

I smiled at his protective behaviour and then replied " Nothing happened Jimin. Chill he didn't do anything."

" Then what is it Y/N ?" Tae asked

My eyes started to fill up with tears again but I held them back , took a deep breath and said " He is our new boss."

" Umm..... Who Y/N ? Can you be specific sweetheart ?" Hobi asked gently

I took a deep breath and replied " Jungkook"

" WHAT ?" Everyone said with wide eyes

" Yes guys. He is our new boss and he will be joining us day after tomorrow." I said and finally let my tears fall

" This is so not go... WAIT !! If Jungkook is here then Natalie you must have known this. Right ?" Sara said and we all turned out heads towards Natalie

" Yes I should have known but I didn't knew he was coming. Me and Jimin talked to him day before yesterday but he didn't mention anything. He just said that he has resigned from his previous job cause he got a new job which was way better than his last job." Natalie said

" Yeah. She is right. He didn't mention anything." Jimin said

" If he didn't tell you guys that he is moving here than I think he didn't wanted to tell you guys about this." Ria said

" That is not Jungkook. I bet he wanted to surprise everyone by coming here without telling anyone." I said

" Agreed." Tae said

" Wait where is Ji-hye ? She should not see you like a crying mess. She will ask questions and we won't be able to answer them." Sana said

" Don't worry Ji-hye is not here. She went for her best friend's bday party and sleepover. She won't come before tomorrow evening." I said

" Better. Now let's think what to do about Jungkook." Sana said

Suddenly Tae's phone rang and when he saw the caller ID his eyes widen.

" Pick it up Tae. I know it's Jungkook. I knew he would call you first." I said

Tae picked up the call and put it on speaker.

" HYUNG !!!" Jungkook literally screamed and from his voice everyone could tell that he was happy.

" Jungkook-ah why are you screaming ? We are not deaf." Tae said and laughed

" We ? Who are you with ? Are you with others ? Where are you guys ?" Jungkook bombarded Tae with questions

We all laughed and Jimin replied " Kookie-ah one question at a time. Yes we all are together. The whole squad even the girls. We are at my sister's house. She was alone so we thought to visit her and hangout with her."

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