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Today is Monday. Yesterday went by very quickly. Nothing special happened just that we all went for breakfast and went back to our homes.

The whole day I was thinking either about the kiss or Y/N's words. Those words were as if stuck in my mind. It's replaying in my mind and it's only making my situation and feelings more confused. I have a feeling V hyung and Jimin hyung are not telling me the truth. I have to find out the truth and only Natalie can help me with it.

I was still thinking about these things when I slight knock on my door brought me back to reality.

" Come in." I said. The door opened to reveal V hyung and Jimin hyung.

" Maknae you need to come out with us now." Jimin hyung said



Me , Tae , Grace , Amanda and Sara were sitting on our usual cubicle. We all were immersed in our articles when Ji-hye came running to me while crying. I looked up and saw her left cheek was red and had mark of a hand. My eyes widened and quickly knelt down to her level.

" What happened sweetie ? Who did this to you ?" I asked and hugged her tightly. Everyone was shocked to see Ji-hye like that.

" Mini's aunty hit me eomma." Ji-hye said and everyones eyes widened as if they would pop out.

" Lisa did this ? She is here ? How come ?" Tae asked worriedly while Ji-hye continued to cry.

Jimin was coming towards our direction but stopped in his tracks when he saw Ji-hye

" Bring Jungkook here immediately Tae. We need to calm Ji-hye down." Amanda said and Tae ran down the hallway to call Jungkook while Jimin followed him.

" How dare you call my Jungkook your appa." Lisa said while coming out of nowhere.

Our eyes widened when Lisa said the word appa. I looked at Ji-hye but she was just crying. 

" How dare you slap my daughter ?" I said angrily.

" Ohh with my bare hands and I can slap you too." She said while taking steps forward.

" You can't do anyt-" I was cut off by a sharp pain in my left cheek. Everyone gasped at the sight. She slapped me. That bitch just slapped me.

" You and your dirty daughter stay away from my Jungkook." Lisa said

My blood was boiling and hands turned into fist.

" Last time we had a conversation I remember Jungkook saying that you both are over. I don't remember him calling you his girlfriend." I said and smirked. This got her irritated.

" We are not over. He is just lost. You will see I will take him back." Lisa said

" We will see bitch." I said and smirked

Lisa lifted her hand to slap me again and I closed my eyes for the impact but it didn't came. I opened my eyes to see Jungkook holding her hand and I could see in his eyes the anger and frustration. He turned around and as soon as he saw Ji-hye hiding behind me his eyes softened. He let Lisa's hand go with a jerk. He knelt down and hugged Ji-hye. After a few seconds she stopped crying and Jungkook pulled away. He caressed her red cheek and sadness was written on his face.

" It's okay princess. I am here. Can you wait for me and eomma in my office. We will be there in a few minutes." Jungkook said and Ji-hye nodded.

" Please close the door behind you sweetheart." Jungkook said softly and Ji-hye once again nodded.

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