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This proposal was the best gift of my life. I never thought Jungkook would do something like this that too this early. Seeing everyone this happy made me overwhelm with all type of feelings.

" Hey babe. Anything on your mind ?" Jungkook asked

" Nope. Just happy to see everyone gathered and happy like this. Never thought I would see this scene after your accident." I said

" See babe. It's fate that we all are here together and enjoying and celebrating." Jungkook said

I was going to say something but was interrupted by Tae.

" Y/N I am taking Ji-hye with me. She will be with me for tonight." Tae said and winked at us.

I looked at Jungkook and he had a huge grin on his face.

I turned to Tae and said " Let me ask her if she is ok with that."

" No need she said it herself that she wants to be with me." Tae said

I felt suspicious about it. It's not like Ji-hye doesn't stays with him and Sana but when we are out she generally stays with me or my mom.

" Ok then if that's the case." I said

" Great. Come on Ji-hye let's go." Tae shouted and Ji-hye ran to him and went with him

" Come baby let's go." Jungkook said

We bid our good nights and goodbyes to everyone and went to our room

" I will take a shower and come." I said and went towards bathroom

" Ok baby." Jungkook replied and winked at me

I gave him a smile and went to take shower. I came out after the shower only to see a shirtless Jungkook laying on the bed.

" Hey baby." Jungkook said and stood up from the bed

" Hye " I replied while walking towards him

He also walked towards me and we met at the center of the room. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

" You smell great baby." He said and lips really close to mine

" Mmhhmmm........ I taste well too." I replied cockily

" Very confident aren't we ?" Jungkook asked

" I am saying what I have been said several times." I replied


Y/N came out of the shower and she looked so hot with those wet hair and booty shorts and white t-shirt. I almost got a boner after seeing her.

" Hey baby." I said and stood up from the bed

" Hye " She replied while walking towards me

I also walked towards her and we met at the center of the room. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close.

" You smell great baby." I said and lips really close to her

" Mmhhmmm........ I taste well too." She replied cockily

" Very confident aren't we ?" I asked

" I am saying what I have been said several times." She replied

That's it I can't control myself anymore. I crashed my lips on her and kissed her passionately. She kissed me back with same passion. My one hand on her waist and other in her hair while her hands were behind my neck as she was on her tip-toes. We both were fighting for dominance. Ultimately we both pulled away for air.

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