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Y/N looks so peaceful while she sleeps. I can watch her 24/7 like this. I think I am falling for her but there are things I don't know about her. Like who is Ji-hye's father or where is he ? Or do we have any kind of history.

I went downstairs to see everyone gathered in living room and laughing.

" What are you guys laughing about ?" I asked

" Ohh... Nothing much just Jin's dad jokes." Y/N managed to say between her laughter.

" Let's order some pizza and it will be Kookie's treat as a housewarming." V hyung said

" Okay order whatever you want. My treat." I said

After 15 minutes everyone had ordered and we're deciding what to do.

" It's final we will play truth and dare first then watch a movie." Natalie said and everyone agreed

" Who will go first ?" Jimin asked

" I will." Y/N said

" Umm... Ria Truth or Dare ?" Y/N asked

" Truth." Ria said and I could see Y/N smirking. I wonder what she has in mind.

" Who do you like Ria ?" Y/N asked and Ria blushed

" I will do the punishment." Ria said

" Okay then give Yoongi a lap dance." Y/N said and everyone started hooting.

" Y/N you are so mean." I said while controlling my laughter

" No. I am jut helping her." She said and I have her a confused look.

" You will see." She said while smirking

" Fuck you Y/N." Ria said

" Love you too." Y/N replied and winked at her

" I will answer the truth." Ria said

" So who do you like ?" Y/N asked and everyone was waiting eagerly for Ria's answer.

" Yoongi" Ria said while looking down and I could notice the blush on her cheeks.

" Oohhhhoooo...." We all said together and Yoongi hyung blushed

" Umm... I like you too." Yoongi hyung said while scratching his head

Ria shot up her eyes at Yoongi hyung and they were wide open.

" Will you be my girlfriend Ria ?" Yoongi hyung asked while smiling

" Ofcourse I will." Ria replied and Yoongi hyung's smile got more wide.

" See I told you I was helping." Y/N said and smiled

" You knew it ?" I asked and she nodded

" It was very obvious but Yoongi was blind not seeing it." Y/N said

" Great now we have one more couple in our group." Natalie said

" Kook truth or dare ?" Natalie asked

" Umm... Dare." I said

" Dance with Bangtan. It's been a while you guys did a performance together." Natalie said

That's when the pizza delivery came and we ate before taking position.

" Okay. Come on hyungs. " I said and we all took our positions.

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