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Its been half an hour since Y/N and Jungkook left and I am getting worried.

" Honey I think you should call and check on them." I said to Jimin

" It's okay. Don't worry about them. Just give the-..... Ohh look they are here." Jimin said

I turned around only to see a wide smile on both of their faces and as soon as he saw Ji-hye his smile grew wider and he ran towards us.

" Sorry sweetheart for keeping you waiting." Jungkook said

" It's okay uncle. I am going to the Merry go ride. I will see you after the ride." She said and ran away for the ride.

" Are you okay Kookie ?" I asked

" I am perfectly fine sis. Don't worry about me. My best friend is great at comforting me." He said and looked at Y/N while she was blushing.

" If you say so bro." I said and smiled

" Guys I am hungry. Does anyone wants to eat hotdog ?" Jungkook asked

" YES" Everyone said and he chuckled

" Okay then I will go and buy everyone a hotdog." Jungkook said while walking away.

" WAIT.... Me and Tae will also come." Jimin said while going with Jungkook

I looked at Y/N and she was smiling like an idiot.

" You both are getting along well. We didn't expected this great bond between you two. Atleast I thought things would be awkward between us." Sana said

" Yeah. I am surprised as well but I am happy that we are getting along well." Y/N said

" Without knowing Jungkook is treating Ji-hye like his own daughter. It's good see the bonding between them." I said

" Yeah." Y/N replied


I need to ask hyung this. It's been in my mind since almost a week.

" Hyung I want to ask something." I said

" What is it maknae ?" V hyung asked

" I know I kinda of lost my memories so please tell by any chance was there anything between me and Y/N ?" I asked and they both stopped in there tracks.

" A-Ani." Jimin hyung said and I just hummed

" Why did you ask Kookie ?" V hyung asked

" Ohh nothing." I said but I can see by their faces that they weren't convenced.

" What is it maknae ?" V hyung asked

I stopped and looked at them and said " I don't know hyung. Whenever I am with her I have a feeling that we knew each other from years."

" That's because you know each other since middle school Kookie. You both were friends. It's just that you didn't remember her." V hyung said

" No hyung you don't understand the feeling I get from her." I said and looked down

" What do you feel Kookie ?" Jimin hyung asked

" It's like we understand each other. There is a different kind of comfort I get with her which I don't get with you guys. I don't know..... That understanding and comfort makes me happy and it feels good." I tried to explain and started to walk again


The things that Jungkook said right now made both me and Tae shocked but I still need to ask what's in my mind.

" Kookie do you by any chance have feelings for Y/N." I asked

There was a pause and I thought he might not answer it but then he replied " If I say honestly hyung I don't know. I don't quite understand this feeling. Everytime I am with her I want to just keep spending time with her more and more. And Ji-hye I don't even understand the instant connection we had." He said

Tae put a hand on my shoulder and patted then he said " I know Kookie it's difficult for you and we don't know why you feel this way. But I know you can and you will figure it out soon." He smiled at us and then we bought Hotdogs and went back to others.

But a thought in my mind was going on should I tell Y/N this or not. Maybe not I don't want her to get her hopes up because if nothing happens she will be broken again. I just signalled Tae to don't tell Y/N and he nodded.


" What is taking them so long ?" Sana asked

" Look they are back. And look the ride is also over." Amanda said

" Sorry guys for keeping you waiting." Jungkook said and gave everyone their share of hotdog.

We all ate and roam around. We played lots of games and rode rides. Soon it was 4 pm and I was tired.

" Eomma I am tired. I want to go home." Ji-hye said while yawning.

" Aww honey you are sleepy. Come on guys let's go. We have been here for so long." I said and everyone agreed

Jungkook took Ji-hye in his arms and started to walk back to the car. While going back to car I noticed Ji-hye snuggling on Jungkook's crook of neck. I smiled at the scene.

" Guys tomorrow is Sunday let's have a sleepover." Natalie said

" Where do you want to have sleepover." Amanda asked

" Wherever it can be. It's been so long we had a sleepover so it doesn't matter at whose house." Natalie said

" Then let's have sleepover in my house. We can even have a movie marathon or play games." Jungkook said

" Okay then let's meet in his house." Tae said and everyone went to their cars.

Jungkook put Ji-hye on back seat and we both sat in front. The ride was full of silence but a comfortable one. Then Jungkook spoke.

" Today was fun." He said

" Yeah. Ji-hye was very happy." I said

" Thanks for today Y/N. Whether it was comforting me or having fun with me." Jungkook said and took my one hand in his and intervined our finger. I was startled by his action but didn't pulled away. Something inside me said that he needed this.

" Don't thank me for anything Jungkook. Everything I did today are the things that any friend would do." I said

" But you are not just any friend. You are my best friend." He said and smiled widely.

I just giggled and then there was silence. It was comfortable. I slowly drifted off to sleep with our hands still intervined.

A while later I woke up to someone shaking me slightly. I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook's face few inches away from me.

" Come on we have reached home." He said and went to back seat. He took Ji-hye in his arms and went inside while I was behind him. He went upstairs to his room and put Ji-hye in his bed.

Half an hour later everyone came and settled in the living room.

* I hope everything goes fine tonight.* I thought to myself.

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