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Jungkook , Y/N and Ji-hye went to the car and drove off to Jungkook's house. Ji-hye slept at the back seat while Y/N and Jungkook sat in silence. The silence was awkward. Many things were going on their minds. Y/N decided to break the silence.

" Why did you call me your girlfriend ?" Y/N asked

" Huh ?" Jungkook was caught off guard by her question.

" You didn't have to say that I was your girlfriend then why did you called me your girlfriend?" Y/N asked

" Ohh.... Umm... I.. don't know. I didn't think that much. It just felt right and it came out of my mouth before I could think." Jungkook replied and Y/N just hummed

" Anyways I had this question in my mind." Jungkook said

" What is it ?" Y/N asked

" Why did Lisa hit Ji-hye ?" Jungkook asked and there was silence for a few seconds

" Ji-hye called you appa by mistake and Lisa didn't like it." Y/N said while looking down at her lap.

Jungkook looked over at Y/N and could see that she was sad. He took her hand in his hand and intervined the fingers.

" Hey it's okay. I don't mind her calling me appa. Infact I would love if she calls me appa." Jungkook said and smiled. Y/N looked at him and smiled

" You are too good Jungkook." Y/N said and smiled.

Soon they were at Jungkook's house. Ji-hye was awake but still Jungkook carried her in his arms and took her to bed.


Jungkook was tucking Ji-hye in bed while I was standing in the doorway looking at him. I can bet he would be a great father.

" Uncle would you tell me a story ?" Ji-hye asked while Jungkook was sitting on side of the bed.

" Princess I would love to tell you a story but I don't know any story to tell you. Maybe eomma has some story. She will tell and we both will listen." Jungkook replied and I smiled

" Eomma ?" Ji-hye said softly and I knew that I had to tell her a story

" Yes sweetie. A fairy tale on the way." I said and went to sit on the other side of the bed.

While I was telling the story Jungkook was stroking her hair gently. Soon enough she fell asleep so me and Jungkook left the room and went downstairs in the living room.

" You should also take rest Y/N." Jungkook said and I shook my head.

" I am fine Jungkook." I said and smiled.

We sat in there in silence. It was not awkward infact it was comfortable. I closed my eyes and let my head fall on the back of couch. We both were just enjoying each other's company.

" Y/N " Jungkook said softly

" Hmm" I just hummed

" Are you sleepy ?" Jungkook asked

" No. Just enjoying the silence and your company." I replied and he chuckled

" I wanted to tell you something." Jungkook said

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was looking into my eyes. Slowly he took my hands in his and pulled me close to him.

" You know you are different from other girls I have dated or the girls that came in my life. I am so comfortable around you as if I can say or do anything I want and you will be there for me. I know I told you that I was not over Lisa but I was wrong. I am over Lisa but I am not over the feeling of being cheated that's why seeing Lisa made me cry. But today when I saw her I felt nothing but hate , anger and annoyance. Seeing you sad and crying in front of me made my heart break into millions of pieces Y/N and after seeing Ji-hye like that my heart stopped beating for a second. I am so sorry for everything happened today. Last 2 weeks have been the best weeks of my life till now. We both became close. I became close to Ji-hye. Everything feels so perfect with you two. I have said it earlier and I am saying it again. You both feel like home Y/N. Being with you makes me so happy and content. I know this is too early to say but I am falling for you Y/N. And I am falling pretty hard for you. I don't want to imagine my future without you and Ji-hye." He said and I was just looking at him shocked.


There was dead silence after I told my feelings to Y/N. She was just staring at me in shock. I thought that I did wrong by confessing my feelings.

Suddenly tears rolled down her cheeks and made me feel more guilty. It felt like I pressurized her with my feelings.

" I am sor-" My words were cut off by her.

" No Jungkook. Don't be sorry. You made me the happiest today. It's been 6 years that someone told me these sweet words. 6 years I waited to listen these words." She said

" Then why are you crying ?" I asked her worriedly

" These are tears of happiness idiot. I am happy you said those things. I love you Jungkook." She said and I smiled widely

" Will you be my girlfriend Y/N ?" I asked

" Ofcourse. I'd love to be your girlfriend." She said and kissed me on cheeks.

" I love you Y/N." I said and smiled widely

" I love you too Jungkook." She said and pecked my lips.

" Y/N this question is important and please answer it." I said

" Sure. What is it ?" She asked

I was about to ask when the door bell rang

" Ohh now who the hell came on this time." I said and Y/N chuckled

" I will go and check." She said and stood up.

" I will also come." I said and followed her

She opened the door to reveal the whole squad standing on front door.

" What are you guys doing here ?" I asked

" We came to visit you. Can't we come ?" Sana noona said and I shook my head

" Please come in." I said and they all came in

" We hope that we didn't disturb anything important." Namjoon hyung said while smirking

" Actually we have something to tell you guys." Y/N said and looked at me

" We are dating." I said while scratching the back of my neck.

It was dead silence. Y/N and I exchanged looks. Then all of a sudden they all started hooting.

" Ohh finally." Tae hyung said and everyone nodded

" So you guys have no problem with us dating ?" I asked and they shook their heads

" Why would we have problem ? If you both are happy together then we don't have a problem." Jin hyung said and I sighed in relief

Then everyone went to settle in the living room. Y/N whispered in my ears " You wanted to ask something important. What was it ?"

" Come we need to be in private." I said and took her hand

" We will be back in 5 minutes." I said and took her to the kitchen


" Y/N who is Ji-hye's father ?" Jungkook asked

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