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It's been 1 and a half month since Y/N last saw Lisa. She still works here but Y/N never heard anything from her or about her after that day.

That day Y/N wasn't supposed to listen to them and it's not like she doesn't trusts Jungkook. It's just that she was curious.



" Hey little sister." Jimin said

" Hi oppa. Came here to pick Ji-hye for Kook ?" I asked

" What ? No. Why would I ? I thought Ji-hye was with him." Jimin said and I furrowed my brows

" Oppa you know he doesn't takes her to meetings then why would you think that ?"  I asked

" What meeting ? His schedule for today was all clear. There was no meeting today." He said and I got more confused

" But he said he had mee-" I was cut by Tae who came running towards me

" What is it Tae ?" I asked

" Kook is with Lisa in his office. I think we should listen to them." Tae said while panting

We exchanged a look and made our way towards his office. That's when we started to hear their voices.

"This is not the reason I called you here." Jungkook said

" Then what is it ?" Lisa asked

" I want you to resign the job." Jungkook said and we all looked at each other wide eyed.

After a few seconds she said " I am sorry you want me to do what ?" She asked

" I want you to quit this job and leave me alone forever. See Lisa I have known you for 5 long years and you have been my girlfriend for almost 3 years so I know you well enough to say this face to face. I know you are a good person and a little bit love and care is what you need to get things into your brain." Jungkook said

" I love you Kookie and I do love you alot. Why are you doing this to me ?" She asked

We could practically hear her break down into tears.

" I know you do but your love is converting into obsession which is not good at all. You are behaving like a psychopath Lisa." Jungkook said and there was silence for a while.

" Lisa answer my question. Will you ?" Jungkook asked

" Do you want to see me happy ?" Jungkook asked and we didn't hear her say anything but from Jungkook's next line we guessed her answer.

" So leave my family alone. Stop obsessing over me. Move on. Find a man who will love you and care for you. I know you love me and I do respect that. I know you have done big mistakes but that was past and I am ready to move on , to forgive you and I am sure Y/N will too. I do love and respect you Lisa but as a friend. You were there for me when everyone from my squad left for New York and I do appreciate that. You will always hold a special place in my heart but please Lisa stop forcing yourself on me. Let me be happy. Let my family live without your fear. Move on Lisa." Jungkook said

There was silence except for the voice of sniffling for a while. We were waiting for her reply. And things she said next left us stunned.

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