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It's been 2 hours and till now nothing has gone wrong. I had meeting with ADIOS staff , Stilloutte staff and Jungkook. We all decided this month's topic for everyone. As for me my articles are 2 months in advance. So Jungkook said he will tell me my topic later.

I am in my office cubicle with Grace , Amanda , Sara and Tae. While Ji-hye is playing and running around.

" Honey don't run around. You can slip and fall down." I said and Ji-hye giggled

From the corner of my eyes I saw Jungkook coming towards us.

" Hye guys. What are you upto ?" Jungkook asked

" Nothing Kookie. We were just sitting and thinking about our topics." Tae said

" Ok. Umm... Y/N I have thought about a topic for you. Tell me if you are comfortable to write about it." Jungkook said

" Sure Jungkook. I can write about any topic as long as the topic can attract attention of our readers." I said and smiled

" Great. So your topic is f-" Jungkook was cut off by a loud thud and we all turned around to see Ji-hye laying on the floor while her eyes filled with tears. A few seconds and Ji-hye started to cry loudly. I ran towards her and picked her up in my arms.

" Ohh sweetie..... It's okay. Eomma is here nothing big happened." I said and tried to calm her down. I was hugging and saying soothing and calming words to her but it was not working she was not stopping at all.

Then Jungkook came and took Ji-hye from me in his arms. Ji-hye buried her face in crook of his neck while crying. I was 100% sure that his shirt was getting wet from her tears.

" Hey beautiful don't cry. Please." Jungkook said sweetly but Ji-hye didn't budge

"Does it hurt a lot sweetheart ?" Jungkook asked and she just nodded

" Do you want me to hit the floor because it hurt my princess ?" Jungkook asked and that's when Ji-hye looked up at his face. She stopped crying but was sobbing slightly. Her eyes were red and puffy and nose was red from all the crying. She smiled lightly and shook her head.

" Princess Ji-hye is strong. See floor she doesn't wants to hurt you. She is so sweet and generous." Jungkook said and Ji-hye just giggled. I was smiling at the father-daughter bonding.

" Can I have the honour to take the princess to my office and treat her with hot chocolate and strawberry cake in my personal kitchen ?" Jungkook asked and smiled. Ji-hye giggled while nodding her head and went back to hugging him while buring her face in his crook of neck.

" Y/N you don't mind me taking her. Do you ?" Jungkook asked and I shook my head.

" Great. I am taking her. You also come." Jungkook said

" You guys go ahead. I will come in 5 minutes." I said and he nodded and went away with Ji-hye in his arms.

Everyone in the cubicle was seeing the scene wide eyed and I chuckled at their reaction.

" What the hell just happened right now." Tae asked

" Yeah. Ji-hye just cried for mere 5 minutes. That is not the Ji-hye we knew. She used to cry for 15-20 minutes." Grace said

" That's the magic Jungkook has on her. He is her father. Ofcourse his mere presence made Ji-hye happy." Amanda said and smiled

" Guys stop gossiping and go back to work. I am going to his office." I said and left them


Ji-hye is as beautiful as her mother. I brought her to my office and went to the personal kitchen. I set Ji-hye on the counter and bowed to her.

" Princess Ji-hye." I said and she smiled widely

" Uncle you don't need to do this. I am fine now." Ji-hye said but I shook my head

" You are a princess and I should treat you like one ." I said and smiled

" Sit here I will make hot chocolate for us." I said and she nodded while moving her legs back and forth.

" What are both doing ?" Y/n asked out of nowhere and scared me.

" Yaahhh!!!! Don't scare me like that." I said and they both started laughing

" You got scared when you only said me that come to your office." Y/N said while laughing

" Stop laughing. It's not funny." I said in stern voice and they both stopped laughing but after a few seconds later burst out into a fit of laughter.

" Yahh!!! What's so funny ? Why are you both laughing so much again ?" I asked and pouted

" That stern voice doesn't suits you Kookie." Y/N said and my heart skipped a beat when she called me Kookie.

" Uncle you shouldn't pout. You look too cute." Ji-hye said and giggled

" Ok ok. Enough. Now let me make hot chocolate." I said and smiled

While I was making hot chocolate Y/N came and stood in front of Ji-hye that is beside me and was hugging Ji-hye.

" Y/N can you bring the slice of cake from refrigerator ?" I asked while making hot chocolate.

" Sure." Y/N said and went towards the refrigerator.

" Y/N come hot chocolate is ready." I said while giving Ji-hye her hot chocolate.

" Sweetie your cake." Y/N said

" Eomma where is yours and uncle's cake ?" Ji-hye asked

" It's only for you honey. Only this much was there." Y/N said

" So you both eat with me." Ji-hye said and smiled widely

" No sweetheart. You eat it. It's for you." I said but then Ji-hye frowned

" Please. Eomma please." Ji-hye said with pleading eyes

I sighed and said " Okay princess. As you wish."

I took two more spoons and gave one to Y/N.


I was going to Jungkook's office to get signatures on some papers but the door of his office was wide open. I peeked inside only to see Y/N , Jungkook and Ji-hye were laughing and having cake that to from same plate. I was shocked by seeing scene. I immediately called Tae.

" Wae hyung " Tae said

" Tae gather everyone and come to Jungkook's office quickly but quietly." I said

" Okay" he said and hung up

I opened the camera of my phone and clicked some photos quickly. Within 2 minutes everyone was there.

" What is it Jimin ?" Grace asked and I pointed towards the direction of kitchen.

They all saw with wide eyes and gasped.

" When did they got this close ?" Sara asked

" I don't know but seeing this is so sweet. It's like a dream coming true." Tae said

" Maybe Jungkook doesn't remembers them but Ji-hye will bring them close and we will see Jungkook fall for Y/N head over heels once again." Amanda said and we all nodded

The photos I clicked , I sent them in group chat so that the remaining could see. Seeing them together makes me so happy.

" Come on guys let's go. Let them enjoy their time." Hobi hyung said and we all nodded

" It was worth running here. If it wouldn't I would have killed you Jimin." Yoongi hyung said and everyone laughed quietly.

Today was great day. Atleast they are getting close. I hope Jungkook remembers everything or fall for Y/N again. Either way I would be happy for them.

Please do vote and comment. Show your support. You can also tell me my mistakes and suggest anything you want so that I can improve and give the results which satisfies you guys........
Thank you
INSTAGRAM :- _kookiesandtreat_

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