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I can't believe that I am getting married tomorrow like after 12 hours I will be a married woman. Married to the person I love the most in the presence of my family and my squad. Though I am getting married at a very early age but that doesn't mean I am not happy. I am 3 months pregnant with a little bump. Who would have thought that the maknaes of the squad would marry first.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing and it was the love of my life.

Me - Hey baby

Love❤️ -  Hey babe. How are you ?

Me - I am great. What about you ?

Love❤️ - Exhausted babe. But still I am excited for tomorrow.

Me - Aww baby. Take some rest.

Love❤️ - Ohh babe I am fine. I will rest after I meet my two babies. I am on my way. Will be there in 15 minutes.

Me - Okay baby. Waiting for you. Safe drive.

With that the call ended.

It's been an hour and he has still not shown. I am getting worried about him. Then my phone rang and it was Jimin.

Me - Hey brother. Wassup ?

Jimin - Y/N

His voice sounded like he has been crying for a long time.

Me - Jimin what happened ? Have you been crying ? What's wrong ?

Jimin - Y/N just come to the hospital and I will tell you everything.

Me - Okay I will be there don't worry.

With that I hung up and went to Busan international hospital. As soon as I entered the hospital I could see my whole squad with my parents and his parents.

" What happened ?" I asked but no one answered. Their heads were hung low and everyone was crying.

My patience level was getting very low. As though it was sensed by Sana she came to me and hugged me tight.

" What is it Sana ?" I asked calmly

" Y/N...... Jungkook got into an accident and is severely injured." Sana said

After listening that I just stood there still with no expression on my face. That's when the doctor came out.

We all turned towards him

" How is he doctor ?" Mr. Jeon asked

" He is stable now but he won't be able to come to consciousness for next 2-3 days. His head injury is very severe. We have done the surgery and it was successful but..." Doctor trailed off

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