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" Y/N who is Ji-hye's father ? Jungkook asked and I froze there.

What should I tell him. I can't tell him the truth. I can't risk his life.

" You don't need to know that Jungkook." I said and looked down

He held on my chin and forced me to look in his eyes.

" Y/N I promise I won't judge you. I need to know Y/N so that I can protect both of you." Jungkook said

I sighed and said " Sorry Jungkook but I can't tell you and you don't need to know. It's none of your business."

* I am sorry Jungkook but I can't tell you the truth. It will hurt you the most maybe to the extent that you may die.* I thought to myself and walked back to the living room.


Y/N just walked back from the kitchen and she doesn't seem to be happy. I wonder what they talked about.

" What the fuck is wrong with you ? Everything related to you and Ji-hye is my business." Jungkook yelled and we all got startled including Y/N.

He was annoyed and it was written all over his face.

" Why won't you tell me damnit ?" Jungkook yelled

" Because you don't need to know." Y/N yelled back

" Can you both calm down and tell what's going on." Hobi said

" Maknae this is not the way to talk to your girlfriend or any girl. If anything is going on sit , talk and sort it out." Jin said

" What happened Jungkook ? Why are you so worked up and why is Y/N so upset ?" Yoongi asked

" You say she is my girlfriend right ? So there should be no need to hide things from me right ?" Jungkook asked

" Yeah." Jin replied

" Then why the fuck is she not telling me that who is Ji-hye's father ?" He said and we all froze

Y/N is looking down at her feet and I can sense that she is at the verge of crying. We have never seen Jungkook like this.

" What ? Why are you all so silent ?" He asked and seriously saying this behaviour of his is making me annoyed

" Maybe she needs time Kookie. Maybe it's best if you don't know. There are many things that might be going on her head. You never know." Amanda said

" Yeah I agree." Namjoon said

" Why the fuck are you defending her. Am I wro-..... Ohhh wait you guys know who it is right ?" Jungkook said and we all were silent

" Right. What the fuck guys. I thought we all were best friends. I thought you would never hide something from me." Jungkook yelled

" ENOUGH." I shouted. I was boiling with anger. His stupid attitude was making me annoyed.

" Do you think we are having fun hiding things from you. Huh ?" I yelled and stood up

" Babe calm down please. It's not good." Jimin said but I didn't budge.

" Then why the fuck are you guys hiding ?" Jungkook yelled

" Ohh I have enough of this shit. You wanna know the truth then listen." I yelled back and Y/N shot her eyes up at me. Her eyes were pleading not to tell him.

" Natalie please no. Don't do this. It would hurt everyone. Please don't." Y/N said but I didn't listen and walked upto him

" You wanna know who is Ji-hye's father. I will tell you." I said

" Natalie no." Everyone said

I jabbed my forefinger on his chest and said " You. You are her father."

Jungkook's eyes widened and his jaw practically hit the ground. I turned around and saw Y/N on the floor crying her eyes out. Tae was comforting her and everyone looked down.


What the hell just Natalie said right now. I don't believe it.

" What the hell Natalie ? I asked for Ji-hye's father then why are you taking my name." I asked

" You fool. You still don't understand do you ? I am telling the truth. Ji-hye is your daughter." Natalie yelled

" Are you happy now ? See what your question has done to everyone. Everyone here is on the verge of crying. See Y/N how much she is crying. See how much that one question affected her." Natalie yelled

Y/N was crying so much while V hyung and Jimin hyung were comforting her. Everyone else was either looking at me or down at the floor.

" How is this even possible ?" I said and shook my head

" I will explain." Jin hyung said

" Please explain." I said as I was not understanding a thing and I felt like crying

" Maknae you and Y/N dated since you both were 17. Your parents were also happy because they wanted you both to date. Everything was perfect. You proposed her to marry you when you both were 21. The day you proposed her Y/N had a surprise for you and that was the news of she being pregnant with Ji-hye. She was 2 months pregnant that time. A month later you guys were supposed to get married but...." Jin hyung chocked on his words.

" But a day before our marriage you got into the accident. Due to that accident you forgot our memories. The doctor suggested not to pressure you by telling you the memories you have lost so...." Y/N trailed off

" So Y/N decided to move away from you and from Busan. I was studying here so I took her with me. She gave birth to Ji-hye here in presence of Ria , Jimin and Tae. Everyone slowly moved here because they were not comfortable with you there. They noticed the changes in your behaviour which hurted them all. Y/N died everyday little by little bro just because you lost her memories. She took care of your child because you didn't remember her. That was only reason for her not being here whenever you came. When you would be here she would visit her and our parents. She did her best not to come in front of you. But when you came here without telling she had no choice but to face you and see the fate you also became her new boss. So this time she can't even run anywhere." Natalie said

All of a sudden I had flashes of past. Me being with Y/N , we both walking hand in hand , me on my knees proposing her and then my vision got blurry. I had a sharp pain in my head. As if my head was hit by a hammer.

" AAAAHHHHHH...." I screamed in pain

And I fainted. Everything went pitch black.


We just told Jungkook everything and after listening he fainted. I think that was the impact doctor told us about.

" What have we done. He fainted because we told him everything." Y/N said while crying

" It's okay Y/N. He will be fine." Jimin said while hugging her.

Then the doctor came out.

" What happened doctor ? Is he okay ?" I asked

" He fainted because the brain took a lot of stress. He is fine and will be concious in an hour or two. I have given sedatives to him. So let him sleep. And I request don't give him too much stress it is not good for his brain. A patient who has lost a part of his memory can't take this much load in his brain. Do keep that mind." Doctor said and walked away

" Thank god he is fine." Sana said and we all nodded

* Maknae you scared the life out of us.* I thought to myself.

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