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I woke up to my alarm ringing. Jungkook and Ji-hye were still asleep. I went to take shower and get ready. I came out of the shower and saw Jungkook awake.

" Good morning babe." Jungkook said in a sleepy husky voice.

That voice sent shiver down my spine. We were apart for 6 years and now we are together. Living like an actual family like things never happened.

" Good morning baby." I replied and pecked his lips

" I will go and take shower then we can wake Ji-hye up." Jungkook said and I nodded while smiling

He went to bathroom while I went to the balcony. It's beautiful morning with birds chirping and sounds of sea waves crashing. Then too deep down I don't feel very comfortable like something is wrong. Maybe it's just because I am nervous that Lisa sent that kind of message. I just pushed the thought aside and went inside only to see Ji-hye waking up. I smiled and went to her.

" Good morning sweetie." I said and took her in my arms

" Good morning eomma." She replied in a sleepy voice

" You know you can sleep more if you want." I said while rubbing her back soothingly

" Ani eomma. I want to get ready as the flower girl." She said and got out of my grip.

That's when Jungkook came out of the shower. I would lie if I said he is not looking sexy and hot. Man he is a whole meal.

" Good morning appa." Ji-hye said and ran to Jungkook

" Good morning princess." Jungkook said while lifting Ji-hye in his arms

I smiled at the sight. My thought was interrupted by a knock on the door.

" Who could it be this early ?" Jungkook asked and I smiled

" I know who it is." I said while smiling and went to open the door.

As soon as I opened the door I was attacked by a tight hug. I rubbed his back to sooth his nerves. 

" It's okay oppa. You will be great today." I said and pulled away from the hug

" I am a nervous wreck sis. I was not able to sleep." Jimin said and I laughed

" Ohhh brother it's okay to be nervous before wedding." I said with a smile

" You knew it was him ?" Jungkook asked and I turned to him

" Yeah...." I said and smiled sheepishly

" How ? Did he called or messaged you ?" Jungkook asked and I laughed

" He is my brother dumbo obviously I knew he would come." I said

" Ohh.... By the way hyung you are nervous that doesn't mean you are not going to your wedding. Right ? You won't leave Natalie on the alter. Right ?" Jungkook asked

There was silence for a while then me and Jimin burst into a fit of laughter.

" Baby what kind of question is that ?" I asked between my laughter

" Maknae I accept that I am nervous but I won't leave you sister on alter don't worry." Jimin said while smiling

" Glad. If you did that then I won't hesitate for a second to kill you." Jungkook said seriously

" Ok ok..... Both of you stop. Kookie you go and help Ji-hye with the shower and I will talk to Jimin." I said while Jungkook nodded and left with Ji-hye.

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