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Me and Y/N are at school backyard. Everyone is walking ahead of us. I took Y/N's hand and stopped her. She turned around to look at me.

" What happened Kookie ?" She asked

" I... Umm.... I like you Y/N." I said and looked down.

" I like you too Kookie." She said and had a wide smile on her face.

" Will you be my girlfriend Y/N ?" I asked her

" Ofcourse Kookie." Y/N said and I leaned in to kiss her passionately.

" Come let's take a walk around the beach." I said as Y/N was eating ice cream.

" Okay." She said but I could tell she was nervous.

" Are you okay babe ? You seemed a bit out." I asked her a bit worried

" I am fine Kookie." Y/N said and smiled

We walked hand in hand while we reached the beach. We were walking when I stopped and turned around to Y/N.

" You know you are different from other girls I have dated or the girls that came in my life. I am so comfortable around you as if I can say or do anything I want and you will be there for me.  I have said it earlier and I am saying it again. You feel like home Y/N. Being with you makes me so happy and content. I know that we are still young but I can't imagine my life without you." I said and knelt down. I took the red box out of my pocket and Y/N's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

" I know this is too early for this but I can't wait anymore for this." I said and took a deep breath and said " Y/N will you marry me ?"

I could see tears in her eyes. She just nodded while smiling widely. I slipped the finger in her ring finger and then kissed her with all the love and passion.

" I have something to tell you Kook." Y/N said while she looked at her feet

" What is it babe ?" I asked while taking her chin in my thumb and making her look in my eyes.

" Umm... Baby... The things is..... Iamtwoweekspregnant." She said in a single breath.

" What ?" I looked at her disbelief with wide eyes.

" I can understand if you don't want the child." Y/N said as I shook my head

" No babe. Never think that. I know we are too young but we can manage it together. I promise to be by your side always." I said and hugged her

" You are not mad ?" Y/N asked and pulled away from the hug.

" Why would I be mad babe ? You just made me the happiest man alive in this  country no not country but planet. Two good news at the same time. You are going to be my wife and we are going to be parents in 7 months. What could make me more happy than this ?" I said and smiled widely

I am going to get married tomorrow. I am so happy. But I haven't met Y/N today so let me go and meet her first then I will go back home.

Y/N - Hey baby

Me - Hey babe. How are you ?

Y/N - I am great. What about you ?

Me - Exhausted babe. But still I am excited for tomorrow.

Y/N - Aww baby. Take some rest.

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