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Today was a great day. Everything was perfect. The wedding went so well. We have one more day here then back to New York. I won't lie I will definitely miss Hawaii. But something has been bugging my mind. Jungkook has been zoning out for a while as if something serious is there and he is not telling me. He is showering right now when he comes out I will ask him.


I came out from taking shower and saw Y/N standing in balcony and Ji-hye was fast asleep. I think Y/N is in deep thoughts that she didn't even noticed me coming out.

I went to her and back hugged her which got her startled.

" Sorry babe. Did I scare you ?" I asked and giggled

" Ofcourse not. I knew it was you." She said and turned around in my arms

" Today was an amazing day. " I said and hugged her tightly.

" Yeah....... Except for the fact that Lisa was here and your parents were super uncomfortable." She said and I pulled her away from the hug

" Were you uncomfortable ?" I asked her

" Ani. I was not uncomfortable. I was just alert because after those messages and seeing her here made me alert about everything. And when I saw her here your words were playing in my mind." She replied

" What words babe ?" I asked

" Remember last night you told me that if Lisa shows up here you wouldn't be surprised. See she actually showed up and she is just 2 doors away." She said

I pulled her to a tight hug and said " Don't worry I am here. I will protect you and Ji-hye. Nothing will happen to anyone." I could feel her smile

" Kook " she said I just hummed in reply

" Where were you and Tae ? You guys were not there for a while I mean like almost an hour or 2." She asked

" Ohh... Umm.... Nowhere babe nothing important." I replied

" I know you are lying. Don't hide Kook please." She said

I think I should tell her the half truth. Atleast she will think she knows everything.

I sighed and said " Me and Tae went to the caterers to settle the payment. But when we were coming back we saw Lisa going to the hallway so we followed her. After a while mom came to her. We weren't able to listen the conversation properly but whatever we heard according to that Lisa is threatening my parents so that I would go back to her."

She pulled back from the hug and looked at me in the eyes. I could see worry in her eyes.

" No shit. She is trying that I should have thought about it." She said

" What are we going to do about that ?" She asked

" Don't worry I have taken care of that. Everything is fine now." I replied and smiled at her

She smiled back and said " Okay then let's go and sleep. You must be tired."

" Ohh yeah I am tired and I would love a cuddling session." I said and smiled widely.

She laughed and said " You are an idiot. Come let's go."

We went to bed and cuddled up to sleep. Before sleeping I thought tomorrow is going to be a big day.


I woke up at morning and was greeted by silence. Ji-hye and Jungkook were not there in the room. I checked the time and it was 10 in the morning.

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