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Jin hyung and Ria finished cooking and came to sit with us while Y/N was upstairs taking a shower.

Honestly in my opinion this is not a great idea because I have seen how broken she was last time and I don't want to see her like that again. I love her as my own little sister and seeing her cry makes me hurt.

Sana must have sensed that I was thinking these things that's why she took my hand squeezed it a little.

" Everything will be fine. We all are here don't worry we will take care of everything." She said in a low voice and gave a reassuring smile

I smiled back but soon it was replaced by a frown when I thought about Ji-hye. What will we say her when she sees Jungkook.

" Sana right now we can handle it but-" I was about to say when the bell rang and I was not able to complete it.

I took a deep breath and went to open the door. As soon as I opened the door I was attacked by I tight hug.

" Yah!!! Maknae let go of me. I will die. You are hugging too tight." I said and he let go off me

He gave me a sheepish smile and said " Sorry hyung I was too excited so I hugged you too tight." I smiled at him and let him in

As soon as he entered he was attacked by everyone. And I smiled at them. I saw Sana behind them shaking her head and smiling.

" Guys leave him. He would die like that." Sana said and laughed. Slowly everyone let him go. As soon as they let him go he ran towards Sana and hugged her.

" Noona I missed you." Jungkook said while hugging her and she patted his back.

Sana and Jungkook has always been close to each other. They grew up together. They were neighbours and their parents were best friends so basically you can say that after a certain age Sana took care of him like her own brother while his parents would be on buisness trips.


After Kookie came we all settled on the couch and started to talk. Everyone was happy that he came but back of my mind I still was not sure that we should let Y/N and Jungkook meet like this. I was afraid something Jungkook might say unknowingly and that would break Y/N's heart.

" So maknae why didn't you told us that you were coming ? We would have came to pick you up." Yoongi hyung said

" Umm... Well hyung I wanted to tell you guys but then I thought I should surprise you guys." He smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.

" Well that was a lovely surprise Kookie but you should have told anyone of us so that he/she would have known where you are. What if something would have happened then what would you do ?" Jin hyung said in a stern way

Jungkook looked down and then after few seconds looked up and gave his bunny smile.

" Sorry eomma Jin. This will not happen again." Jungkook said sarcastically and we were all holding back our laughter.

" Yahh!!! Is that the way to talk to your hyung ? And stop calling me eomma. Is that what I taught you ?" Jin hyung said in an annoyed tone and we all burst into laughter.


We were all laughing and suddenly I remembered that Jimin hyung's sister is not here.

" Jimin hyung where is your sister ?" I asked and as soon as I asked that question everyone went silent and a little stiff. There was silence and I decided to break the silence.

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