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It's been 3 and a half months that I am pregnant and since the day Lisa left for Seoul. Since that day Lisa and I have became very close friends. She is good natured by heart. She was just lost for a while but now she is all good.

That day after Jungkook and I announced my pregnancy everyone was happy. Ji-hye was happy to the extent that she went for kid's cloth shopping. Our parents were happy at different level , they might not be with us here but they were certainly waiting to grab a chance and come meet us.

According to Jia I was only 10 weeks pregnant but the way my bump was showing it looked like I was three and a half months pregnant. So we went to Jia's clinic and she did my sonography only to find out that I am pregnant with not one but two babies.

Our happiness went to next level when she said that we were having twins.

Today the 15th week started and today is my wedding. We didn't wanted a very grand wedding so we are having wedding in Busan at my family's lawn behind the house with only close friends and relatives. My baby bump is showing as if I am 5 months pregnant but no I am only 15 weeks pregnant.

Here I am standing infront of the mirror all ready to walk down the aisle.

( Your wedding dress )

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( Your wedding dress )

( Your wedding dress )

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( Your hairstyle )

( Your hairstyle )

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