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The week went by pretty fast. Nothing much happened except for the fact that Jungkook , I and Ji-hye had been spending more time together or to be perfectly honest were practically living together. Not that we moved in together but either he would stay in my house or we would stay in his house.

Today is Thursday that means we are leaving for Hawaii tomorrow morning. I was packing my stuff. Ji-hye's packing was done and she was with Jungkook. That's when my phone pinged with a message.

Unknown number : I will get back what is mine. You will pay the price for taking it away from me.

Wierd right ? Who the fuck is this ? I decided to ignore the text and went back to packing.

After about half an hour later the voice of front door opening caught my  attention. That meant Jungkook and Ji-hye are back from there fun time and I was almost done with packing.

" Let's go have dinner." Jungkook said

" Where are you taking us ?" I asked

" Home. Where else do you want to go ?" He asked and I just shook my head

" We have an early flight tomorrow Kook. We better be in our respective houses. It would be easy for us to leave tomorrow." I said

" I didn't asked if you are coming for dinner or not. I told that I am taking you both home for dinner. And we take your suitcases with us so that we leave together tomorrow morning." Jungkook said and went to the room to take the suitcases.

We went to his home , had dinner and slept. In morning we left for airport. We met everyone at airport. Surprisingly I saw someone who I didn't expected.

" Boss what are you doing here ? I thought you were on vacation with your boyfriend ?"

" I am here to attend my sister-in-law's wedding." She said and I gave her a confused look.

" She is my girlfriend Y/N." Junghyun oppa said

When I saw him I ran to him and hugged him tight. " It's been a long time oppa." I said

" Yes it's been and all thanks to Jungkook." He said and laughed

" Babe how do you know Y/N ?" Boss asked

" Ohh you remember I told you that Jungkook went through an accident and lost his memories of his fiancee ?" Junghyun oppa asked

" Yeah.... What about that ?" Boss asked

" Y/N was his fiancee." Junghyun oppa said and boss' eyes widened.

" You were with me all time and I didn't knew." Boss said and I smiled

" It's okay boss. It's not like I knew you were dating oppa." I said

" Ohh stop with the boss call me Veronica from now on." Veronica said and smiled

" Okay Veronica." I said and returned the smile.

" Guys let's go and check in. Our flight is about to leave." Jin said and we went for check in

The flight was pretty boring. Some were sleeping , some were having there own make out session and some were watching movie. We reached Hawaii safely and checked in the hotel. Jungkook insisted to have a single room for me , him and Ji-hye so that we can be close. I didn't mind it after all I was being treated like this after 6 long years.

The day went by pretty fast. Everyone was busy doing something or the other. I , Jungkook , Jimin , Natalie , Tae and Sana were doing wedding preparations. Others either went for shopping or were sleeping. Ji-hye was with Jin who went for shopping.

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