wgm: domestic bliss

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believe it or not, ryun was very mature by nature

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believe it or not, ryun was very mature by nature. she preferred taking care of others rather than being taken care of. hence why now, jihoon, who'd she recently taken to nicknaming 'squish' (because of his adorable cheeks) was asleep on her lap, making her legs numb.

"squish." she ran a gentle hand through the boy's soft black hair that sprawled across her lap, partially covering his cute squishy face.

his head lay on her lap, body turnt inward so that his head half lay on her stomach, one arm gently thrown across her while the other rest slightly bent at his side. he slept completely still. his soft snores and adorable squishy cheeks brought a fond smile to her face.

"jihoon-ie, c'mon you gotta get up." her voice remained low and gentle, wanting to keep her virtual husband's waking pleasant with the hope his mood wouldn't be pissy. "squish, please." normally being this gentle and patient wasn't her thing, she much preferred just pushing him onto the floor and telling him to get his lazy ass up but lately he's been so good to her it was only right that she treat him the same way.

"jihoonie, i won't ask you again. you have you have to get up. your manager's going to be here any minute." she tried again running a gentle hand through his hair. today was a filming schedule day, one that was in preparation for the upcoming special wedding episodes that would air soon.

she sighed harshly when she got no response, "squish~" she whined, deciding to get a little forceful and started to shake him until she got a response.

"stop~ 'm sleepy." he jerked his arm out of her grasp mumbling almost incoherently but ryun still managed to get the jist of it. groaning jihoon with eye's still shut, snuggled deeper into her stomach, cementing the fact that he wasn't going to get up.

"squish, seriously."

"no, five more minutes," he moaned.

jihoon's body felt heavy with sleep, but he knew with his ever persistent virtual wife he couldn't let his mind stray to far into the abyss of sleep without a rude awakening.

"i've been nothing but good to you lately, noona. why can't you return the favor." their conversation had been short, only lasting about a few minutes, but ryun could feel jihoon's slow dip back into unconsciousness. almost two months of straight promoting with his member's, late nights of producing, and filming schedules for the show had taken it's toll on the young man. his brain refused to follow any command that wasn't to sleep, and his muscles ached with the need.

ryun cursed the immediate guilt she felt, "fine, five minutes. a second longer and i'm so never letting you sleep on me again." she relented, grunting in minor irritation. she could sense her virtual husband's exhaustion and though she would never say it aloud, jihoon's well-being and comfort were becoming a priority to her.

"you don't mean that...," sleep overcame the boy as with his final response he began to snore lightly.

"i don't." with a small smile she was sure he couldn't see, ryun gave in completely. deciding it was just five minutes, she could spare it if it meant he would feel better.

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