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Josh POV__

I took a sip of my coffee as I watch people enter in and out of the cafe .

Keeping my mind off of what happen earlier, well the fact I killed my sister, I mean adoptive sister stuck in my head.

A gorgeous young lady walk into the cafe and took a seat by me.

The server ask her what did she wanted and she said the regular and she smiled and walk off.

"You must come here everyday?" I ask her.

Her bright smile lit up as she talk,"yes."

"Well I'm Josh. Nice to meet you." I shook her hand.

"I'm Jessica." She said as she grab her coffee.

"I see you like coffee.. Dark?"

"No light. Add vanillia." She smiled.

"So that's your secret." I chuckled.

"You are a nice guy, I bet you are dating."

"No, I'm single actually."

"Well me too. Well actually I'm not.. It's this guy name Matthew he's cheating on his girl with me.. I shouldn't be telling you this." She look down.

It hit me,"Matthew. Friends with Alice?"

"Yeah. You know them?"

"You can say that. When do you think Alice is home alone?"

"I don't know.. I guess at noon. Why?"

"Oh no reason. Just a wonderment. Now, back to you."

"You are really cute. Do you mind if I ask.. Would you go out with me?"

"No I don't mind. In fact, I would say yes."


Yes, great. I have a person that is close into my victims life.

I look at my watch. 11:30 AM, I need to get going before noon hit.


"So you telling me that you went home with a stranger?" I paced around the room.

"Don't make it seem like I'm stupid." She look down.

"Well actually you are!" I yelled.

She began to cry,"I'm sorry. I just had enough of your cheating and lies. I thought he has something that you didn't."

"What?? The ability to get you pregnant? Cause I can." I said coldly.

"I said I was sorry. It's just-" the door bell interrupted her.

The door burst open as 3 guys walk in.

"It's code of honor, we need to bring Miley with us." The first guy said.

"What the fuck? Why?" I grab her.

"Miley DNA shows that her bloodline is royalty. They guy she had sex with and now have a baby by is Prince Samuels."

"He wasn't a prince to me." She rolled her eyes.

"He's from Erosia. He came all the way to America to find a mate. You must come now."

"How long will she be staying in America?" I ask.

"For 3 months, then we will set sea to Erosia." The second guy confrim.

The third guy grab Miley by the arm.

I whispered in Miley's ear,"don't hesitate . I promise you baby I will get you out of this mess."

"I bet you want me to leave." She cried.

"No, I love you. Miley I really do, and I'm sorry for cheating on you. Miley just believe me, I'll get you out of this." I kissed her cheek and they drag her out the house.

Alice POV____

"Emily. It's time for your nap." I put her in her small bed.

"Mommy, I don't like nap time.." She complain.

"You will feel completely different about nap time when you grow up."


"Yeah. Grown ups always want to get nap time, but sometimes there soo busy that they can't sleep."



"Well how bout, you go to sleep and I stay up taking your spot!" She started to get up from her bed.

"Noo. You need your rest and mommy needs her work." I kissed her forehead.

I walk out the room and shut the door.

Heading to the kitchen I grab a sandwich and began to eat it.

I heard something break and then a crash.

I ran into the living room. Glass from the windows shatter onto the floor.

"Whose there?" I yelled and then I turn back around and someone caught me. Covering my lips and my nose.

"Alice." A fimilar voice beam in my ear.

He shove me against the wall. Josh. It's Josh. I began to panic.

He started to choke me and then he slap me. I fell onto the ground crying.

I look up at him, he was walking to Emily's room.

"Nooo!" I scream. I got up and chased him down.

"MOMMMMY!!" Her scream frighten me.

I grab Emily. Josh came up from behind me and began to choke me.

"MOMMMMYYY!" I heard Emily cry.

"You see Emily, this what happens when you get daddy in trouble." Josh laughed.

My air way started to close up.

He let go of me and I fell on the floor.

All I could think of was, why Emily? What did Emily ever do to him?

Wheres The Happy Ending?   (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now