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Hey! I wonder if everyone could check out my awesome friend's book "Keep Calm and Carry On" by Smile4All . Anyways thanks! And here's chapter 21(;

Chapter 21•


"The guests rooms are on the top floor." I inform them all as I kept walking up the stairs.

There were more than I thought that was coming. I wonder how Kane would react to this.


I walk up the royal stairs as we went to the top floor. Something in my heart told me Miley didn't kill her self.

"Do you know why she killed herself to be exact?" I questioned.

The maid stop walking and look down towards me with a wry smile,"we're not for sure. But we all think its because of her late husband early departure." She smiled as she kept walking.

"How her husband die?" Matthew ask.

The maid didn't turn around, she simple stop and spoke,"mmm he died in his sleep." Then kept walking.

"Bull shit." Matthew whispered.

I don't believe it either, Matthew. But instead of saying it out loud I just kept walking up the endless stairs of wonders.

"So, is there another prince?" Ashley spoke.

The maid answered,"yes."

"Is he single?" Ashley questioned.

The maid turn fully around,"I don't know. Maybe you should go ask him your self at dinner tonight." It look like she wanted to push Ashley down the wooden stairs for asking that type of question.

Ashley only shrug and kept on," pardon me for asking, but what floor is his room?" This time we all turned around and looked at her crazy.

"It's the second floor. But, it's surrounded by guards since guests are here." The maid glared at Ashley.

"That won't be a problem." Ashley smiled and kept walking.

Finally we made it to the floor.

"I didn't know there was an elevator." Becky said with anger.

"Oh yes, fully working and everything." The maid gave us a wicked smile.

"So why the hell we didn't go up there!?" John yelled.

"I thought you, Americans like to climb things. My mistake, I believe it's Canadians." She smirk a little.

We all wanted to beat her up, right than and there. But we didn't. As soon as we open the doors to our room we were so star struck over the beds. It was bigger than the average king size bed. You can at least fit eight people in there.

I jump onto the bed and then came John. Then we both started to drift asleep.


"Kane, there's five of them!" I said as I showed him five fingers.

"I know what five looks like." He gawk.

"What are we going to do? They even ask how did Prince Samuel die!" I began to pace around the room.

"Just relax. They can believe anything they want. But long as they don't know the truth, we won't have issues. Got it?" He held onto me.

"Got it."

"Now get out before the guards think we're doing something." He pushed me towards the door.


I look in front of the mirror. This prince better be cute. But if not, eh he's still wealthy. I smiled as I looked at my outfit. I wore some white short shorts and a red tank top with some white Vans.

I took the elevator down to the second floor. "I'm going to be a princess! I'm going to be a P-R-I-N-C-E-S-S!!" I sang.

When I finally got on the second floor I skip down the hall way with joy.

"Is this the Prince's room?" I ask the guards.

"May I go in. I had a special meeting with him." I smiled.

"Let me look at the list ma'am." One guard spoke.

"Oh dear, I'm not on the list. But trust me I was meant to be in that room with him. Don't you think?" I glide my fingers across his face.

The guard smirk a little and open the door. I walk into the Prince's room.

There he laid asleep, I walk over towards him and sat beside him. I kissed his lips. "Wake up sleeping beauty."

He flick his eye lids open,"who are you?"

I kissed him again before he could call the guards to take me out of his room. "Your Princess." I smiled.

To Be Continue•••

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