Chapter 23

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Chapter 23•


I sat down leaning against the wooden door leading to the Dungeon. I was trying to think what I was going to do with Ashley. I can't believe I forgot the fact that we put Miley's body down there too. If Ashley is nosey she will look at Miley's body and see the gun shot wound on her side. Should I kill Ashley? No. Everyone is already suspicious if Miley.

Heather walk towards me and squatted down beside me,"Kane.."

"I'm thinking." I spoke. Then that's when it hit me. Heather! I can frame Heather with all of this! Okay think. Think Kane. How can I frame Heather? I began to smile.

"Are you going to tell me what you are thinking about?" Heather asks.

"I have to go." I got up and walk down the Dungeon stairs.


It was cold. Dark. And scary. I sat on the hard concrete floor rocking back and forth. My stomach began to hurt because I haven't eaten yet. My heart was pounding hard because I'm not alone. I'm here with.. With Miley.

When the guards threw me down here, I was searching for another way out. Then when I went around the corner- Miley's body was laying on the table with a plastic trash bag covering her. I took it off and I saw a nasty Wound on her side. Then no wound on her head. "She didn't kill herself." I whispered to my self.

That's when the Maid came down here and look at me surprisingly. Saying,"Honey if I were you, I would act like you didn't see none of this." And she left. Would they kill me too?

I heard footsteps. I look around the room. "Ashley?" Someone called out.

"Who is it!?" I was terrified.

"It's me, Prince Kane." He was holding a lamp in his hand.

"What happen to Miley!?" I shouted.

"Ssh. Calm down, or you're going to stay here forever." He walk up to me and sat beside me.

"She didn't kill herself.." I said with tears in my throat.

"I know that. You promise to keep a secret?" He look at me with sadness.

"What is it?"

"You know that maid, Heather?Well she killed Miley."

I gasped,"why would she do that?"

"She was jealous of Miley."

"So why didn't you just say that she killed her?!"

"You don't understand. Just promise me you won't tell anyone. Please? If you don't tell - I will let you be my princess." He smiled at me. I blush a little.

"I promise I won't tell."

He grab my hand and we began to walk up out of the Dungeon.

"I'm starving." I confessed.

"Let me take you to the Royal kitchen. What would you like my love?"

"Surprise me."


"Are you really playing the silent treatment with me?" I sat down on the bed. Then he stood up and walk away from me.

"If I was talking to a girl name Alice I would tell her yes." He began to act like a ten year old kid.

"Can we just forget about what happen? You can't stay mad at me forever!"

"If I was talking to a girl name Alice I would say 'you can't forget about Miley's death.' "

"I'm not trying to forget about her death! I'm just saying can you act like I never said those things about her!"

"If I was talking to a girl name Alice I would-"

"John! Seriously? Stop acting like a little kid and talk to me! Directly!!" I stomp my foot.

He gave a loud sigh,"I'll stop being mad when you find out why Matthew didn't tell you why Miley left."

"Matthew said she left out the blue-"

"There had to be a reason, Alice."

"And if there was, why would he tell me?"

"Because you are the only person who really knew Miley like he did."

"Fine. I will go talk to him." I walk out the room and went down the hallway.

"Open up." I knock on Matthew's door.

"What's up?" Matt greeted me.

"I need to talk to you. Becky did you know riding up and down the elevator for ten minutes is fun!" I smiled at both of them.

"What are you saying?" Becky cock an eye brow at me.

"I'm saying.. Get out . Please." I open the door.

Becky rolled her eyes,"is it that important?"


She got up and wobble her self out the door. I slam it and lock it.

"Woah there!" Matt teased.

"Did you know I really hated Miley for leaving me with out telling me why."

He began to frown," I really don't have time for this." He reach for the door but I slapped his hand away.

"I do! Matthew, tell me. What was going on with you two that made her want to go overseas?" I sat down in a chair.

Matthew began to pace back and forth around the room. "I cheated on her a lot." He stop and lean his head against the window.

"Matthew? You cheated on her.." I was shock.

"I know it was wrong. She was fed up with me cheating on her.. So she .. So she went to a bar. She met a guy and slept with him. Then the next day she came home saying she was pregnant." He paused for a second as he thought about what he has caused.

"Matthew, you can tell me. Go on." I walk up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Then suddenly the house door open and guards came in. Saying the she was having a royal baby. And she has to move over seas and marry Prince Samuel. She was crying. She didn't want to go. And I told her.." He began to cry. "I told her I was going to save her. I told her I was going to get her back. But I didn't . I fail." He punch the wall.

"It's okay." I tried comforting him, but it didn't help.

"It's not okay. I'm such a coward! I ran off with my high school ex love and got her pregnant and now I've fallen in love all over again!"

"It's not your fault. You had nothing to do with her suicide."

"Yes I did! If I just treated her right and never cheated with in the first place we would be in America right now!" He scream at me.

I started to cry," Matthew, I feel as if it was my fault too. If I could've just ask her what was wrong when she came to work sad sometimes. If she could've told me that she was getting cheated on it would've saved us all."

"I don't think Miley killed herself.. Not over no dead husband." He stifled out a laugh.

"So what are you trying to say?" I sobbed.

"I'm going to stop blaming me for her death, and start blaming someone else."

"Like who?"

"Someone whose been with her till her death. The maid, and Prince Kane."

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