Chapter 5

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"Alright, now how is you're memory doing (L/n)?" The doctor asked. She finished examining the progress of my injury and how my healing had been coming along, making sure I was still being relatively careful with my recovery.

"Well I've always had a poor memory, most of the time I can hardly remember anything unless I write it down," I started, "But I think it's been getting worse if that makes sense, sometimes I forget to eat most of the time or I'll do things I already did."

She nodded with my explanation. "We have you written down as quirk-less, right?"

I gulped, agreeing with a nod.

"Just making sure dear. Would you be willing to have an MRI so we could see the functions of your brain? it should only take about fifteen minutes." I shrugged, not really caring. If my boss had a problem she could take it up with the doctor.

After that situation was all finished, I was informed that my result should be emailed to me in a few days or so. I changed back into my jeans and t shirt, heading to the train station so I could get to work for today.

I thought back on the recent events, luckily for me I didn't have to pay for the camera I had initially lost back when I fell from that billboard. Jennifer still had her comments to make as she always did.

The week was uneventful. I spent most of the time editing photos. I wasn't traveling too much because public transportation was still iffy on my head. My work days were shorter as well, I was growing exhausted of the same thing everyday. I wanted to quit and fully pursue what I was actually interested in, but society had me in a cage .

I would tag along to different interviews locally with heroes who were in the area, making it easier for me to do the photography aspect of my job, but it wasn't anything really special. Everything was exhausting and repetitive. I had regressed back to running files and coffee runs for the other employees at my job. Pretty much, despite my actual job as a photographer, I was being treated as an intern.

I walked into Jennifer's office, only to have her greet me with a snappy "you're late," comment.

"Yeah I know, I had a doctors appointment and they needed to do an MRI scan on me."

"I think you're just overreacting to get out of work." I forced back the glare that threatened to shoot out of my eyes.

Don't snap (Y/n), she's just trying to get to you. "Well here's my doctors note, it's not like you can't excuse me for being late now."

"What was that? I don't think you should be having an attitude towards your boss. Remember without your job here you'd be nothing. Your pathetic excuse for a career would be non existent," she retorted.

Was she serious? She flipped the blame back on me once again, as if everything was my fault. I bit my lip, I was close to my breaking point. I needed to leave before I did something I didn't want to. I mumbled a "Sorry." Ignoring whatever she said as I made my way to my desk. I dropped my bag at my chair, heading to the bathroom instead of getting started on my work

I locked myself in an empty stall, slamming the door. My fists were clenched. "Stupid bitch, try me one more time. I swear to whatever holy being exists I will slash your fucking tires." I banged my forehead against the stall door, stirring up a slight ache.

"Fuck, I forgot I'm not supposed to do that." I sat on the toilet, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Don't let her get to you, you know how she is." After a few deep breaths, I made my way to the sink.

My eyes had dark circles underneath them, while my work days had been shortened this week, I wasn't getting that much sleep. I fell into a deep funk, only going to work then heading straight home, where I had been living on my couch. My diet turned to shit, I was either not eating at all, or over eating packaged snacks I had gotten the last time I went to the store.

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