I walked to the kitchen the next morning to make myself some tea, as I did everyday. I don't remember Hawks leaving last night. All I remembered was falling asleep as we watched a documentary about a killer whale. I knew he had at least carried me to my bed, because that's where I awoken from.
I leaned my back against the wall, resting my eyes as I waited for the water to heat up.
I groaned internally knowing I had to go back to work tomorrow. I couldn't wait to hear what my bitch boss, Jennifer, is going to say. I wanted to do stuff today, being trapped in my apartment had gotten old rather quickly. Usually on my days off I was out exploring different places, photographing different things, but with this damn concussion it was still difficult for me to do basic tasks that required concentration.
I turned around, tea in hand. I jumped at the sight of Hawks standing in my living room. The mug fell to the ground, splattering hot tea and shards of glass all over the tile of my kitchen.
I brought my hand up to my temples, the loud noise caused my ears to ring slightly, but luckily it didn't last long. Hawks made his way over to me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Watch your step kid, let me clean this up for you," he stammered. I formed my lips into a line, sitting down on the bar stool.
"Um, where is your broom?"
"In the closet," I pointed. I watched as he swept the shattered mug into the dustpan, then taking a damp cloth to wipe the spilled tea up.
"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to scare you. I'll make you some more tea, okay."
When I didn't respond he turned back to me. "Are you mad?"
I smiled shaking my head. I was happy he was here. I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could, because after today, most likely I would never see him and eventually I'd forget this whole thing ever happened.
"I'm not mad, how long have you been here?"
He let out a sigh of relief. "Thats good to hear. I actually got here while you were making your tea. I promise I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to see how long it would take for you to notice me."
It was cute how he rambled. "It's okay, you don't have to apologize. I didn't expect you to be hear so early actually."
"Yeah. I have to patrol tonight, so I decided to come over as soon as I woke up this morning to check on you," he explained. "How are you feeling?"
"Hard to say. It feels better than yesterday that's for sure."
He nodded along, asking, "When do you have to visit the doctor again?"
"Hm." I looked over to the paper I had on the counter with my next check up written down. "Friday at nine, so right before I go to work- Oh wait, but the doctor I went to is in Kyushu. Fuck," I groaned obnoxiously. "It's fine. If Jennifer bitches at me, I'll just put laxatives in her coffee."
He laughed with a worried look. "Why do I feel like you're being serious."
"I have a whole list of shit I want to do to her if she makes my life worse, seeing her wrinkled thirty-something year old face every morning when I get there makes me wanna throw up."
He leaned his head on his hand as he listen to my rant. I felt like I could talk to him about anything.
Well, almost anything. All I could do was make the most out of it while he was here.
"Any plans for today?"
I shook my head in response. "I'm so sick of being cooped up all day. I wanna go exploring."

Flying Free *Hawks x Reader*
FanfictionTwo broken birds. Both wanting to escape the lives they were dealt, both wanting to break free from the cage that holds them. After one fateful encounter, their lives change forever. Do these two broken birds have the strength to repair each other? ...