Chapter 13

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agahsjdk okay so y'all r abt to find out your quirk that i've been hinting at for the past 12 chapters. i'm sorry if it's not super cool or anything :( like i said i was mad baked when this idea came to me. but i hope you all enjoyyyy!! :D thank you so much for reading!! <333

I threw the door open to my apartment, shaking as I dropped my bags on the ground. Pain soared throughout my head, it was starting to get bad again. I stumbled through the kitchen, I flung open the drawers trying to find something to write with, not caring about the items scattering to the floor with my rough actions.

With a notepad and pen, my hands trembled as I wrote down his name over and over, 'Keigo Takami.' My hand writing was hardly eligible, but if I could just keep writing.

I dropped the pen as another sharp pain coursed through my brain, it was as if someone was stabbing my head with a knife, I squeezed my eyes shut crying out for it to stop.

I reached out for the pen I once held, sliding to the kitchen floor. I needed to use my quirk, I had been holding in for too long, not letting myself use it destroyed my memories for years. I used to be better at pushing it down, after my concussion it only reactivated the need to let it out more frequently.

"Please stop, I don't want to hurt anyone anymore." I breathed rapidly, it felt as if my lungs could give out at any second. I pulled myself up using the counter, I could hardly balance on my own two feet. I began walking down the hallway, stumbling into the walls on either side of the corridor. The hall felt longer than usual, but I pushed through, eventually making my way to the bathroom.

I collapsed in front of the tub, setting the water to hot. I peeled my clothes off my body before crawling into the shower, the steaming water burned against my skin as I tugged at it.

"Please just go away." I was conflicted with what needed to be done, holding it in would only hurt me, my sense of reality. My memories were disappearing at an alarming rate, but if I let it out, I would risk the chances of hurting others. It's all I knew how to do.

I felt like I was drowning. I could no longer differ between my tears and the hot water hitting my face.

I squeezed my knees together as I buried my face into them. I let the pain from the burning water distract me from the pain inside my head. In the distance I felt as if I heard a voice, it sounded so familiar, it as if it was called out asking where I was.

I bit my lip so hard I eventually drew blood. I clenched my eyes tighter, my attempts at hiding my cries failed as the bathroom door swung open.

"(Y/n)?! What's wrong?" I couldn't see who it was, I cowered away from them. "Fuck, it's so hot. Are you burning yourself?" A hand was placed on my knee.

I flinched away in fear. "Don't touch me!" I bawled, I was frantic with tears at this point. "Leave me alone please, I don't want to kill anyone else." I begged.

"Baby look at me, what are you talking about?"

I shook my head rapidly "I'm a murderer," I cried. "I'm a murderer."

The water stopped, I could no longer feel the hot splatters against my skin. The sound of my whimpers filled the room.

"Baby-bird please look at me." The soft voice spoke. "I'm here, you're not going to hurt me, it's going to be okay. I want to help you." A hand rested on my upper back. While I was no longer audible, I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks.

I trembled feeling small circles being rubbed on my back with the persons thumb. I took short glances from my knees over to the figure outside the tub next to me.

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