Chapter 3

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Christine's POV

As I pack up my stuff from an awkward 1st period, I see this day is going to suck. The bell rings and every student sprints out. I'm with Mr. Miller. The strange thing is, the boy with the breath taking eyes never showed up. I shrug my shoulders and make my way to the hallway of doom.

"Oh Christine!" I hear Mr. Miller say.

I stop and my tracks and turn around and say, "Yes?"

He walks to me and says, "Is there any way you could stay after school for a bit and complete an evaluation for this class?" I must of looked like a deer in the head lights because he continued saying, "Just for me to see how much you already know! Don't worry it's suppose to be difficult." He smiles a reassuring smile.

I nod and say, "Yeah of course! I will come right after my last class." He goes back to his desk and puts his glasses on. I'm free to go, thank goodness!
As I make my way through the hall way to what is now 6th period, the day has dragged on. 'This is my last class' I assure myself. When I looked down at my schedule I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see a red curly haired boy with freckles and braces. "Um, hi!" I said.

He walked up next to me, "Sorry this sounds creepy but I looked at your schedule and saw we have the same class next! Are you new?"

I stuck my hand out for a shake, "Hi I'm Christine! And unfortunately I am new.... And lost." He laughs.

"I'm Shane." He says with a ring to it. "Want to walk with me to class?" I let out a sigh of relief. Finally someone is showing a bit of interest in me!

"Yes! Thank you Shane you're like the first person to acknowledge me today!"

When I make it to class with Shane, I approached the teacher and told her the same thing I've told everyone today 'blah blah blah' is all I hear from her perky voice and "Welcome to drawing class!" The class flies by because I felt comfortable sitting by Shane.

When the bell rings I poke Shane and said, "Thanks again! I will see you tomorrow!"

He smiles, "Why so hurried?"

I start walking to the door, "I have to meet a teacher!"

He waves, "Ok bye!"

I basically ran all the way to Mr. Miller's class to get this over with. When I make it there I don't see a teacher but I see a blonde boy sitting in one of the seats, alone. I sit two seats over and I smile quickly at him. I freak out a little because I notice it is 'Mr Hemmings' from 1st period, the runaway. I see from the corner of his eye that he is looking at me. When I glance over he scoots in the desk that was between us. I gulped. "Hi, I don't think we've met," he says and sticks his hand out. I stare at it like it's a foreign object.

"Yeah I don't think so..." I say and scrunch my nose.

"I'm Luke." He says. Again I hear an accent, I'm quite positive it's Australian.

I finally shake his hand, "I'm Christine."

He raises his eyebrows, and opens his mouth to start talking until Mr. Miller walks in and says, "Sorry I'm late!" We both turn around quickly. "Mr. Hemmings! This is your detention go to the front of the seat and please do not flirt with our new student." He grins at me and slowly goes to the front seat then turns around to look at me again. 'Is it hot in here?' I keep thinking because I start sweating.

The whole 'evaluation' thing turns out to be a piece of cake and I finish in what seems to be 15 minutes. When I hand it to the teacher and pack up my stuff, Luke turns around and quietly says, "See you later Christine!"

I smile and walk out hearing Mr. Miller again scold him saying, "Mr. Hemmings!"

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