Chapter 6

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Christine's POV

2nd day. Same ritual, 10 minutes late. However this time I manage to smear on some makeup and a cool Paramore T-shirt. "Remember mom, I may be coming home late because I have to talk to Mr. Miller after school!" I grab my stuff and walk out of the door, this time wearing a jacket.

Just to defy this Luke guy, I park in his spot again, with a smile on my face. I pull down the mirror in my car and look at myself, 'I'm so plain and ugh' I think to myself and slam the mirror back up.

The first 3 periods fly by. When I'm walking to 4th period I have to stop by my locker. To my surprise I see the same blonde girl I spoke with briefly yesterday, except she was not alone. Her and a boy with blonde hair, from what I could tell were leaning against my locker. I inch closer and closer, starting to feel awkward because they were basically eating each others face off. I decide to just barge right in, this is my locker right? I tap her on the shoulder, not gently though. She doesn't budge. "Um, hello! Can I get to my locker please?" And with that she turned around and looked me up and down. At this point I saw who the boy was. I don't know why I felt so disappointed with who I saw, almost cheated. I only just met him yesterday. The boy was Luke.

"Don't you see we are kind of busy?" She says with attitude. I am shocked because she was so rude.

"Sorry, but whether or not you know it, this is school." I pause and point, "And that is my locker. So I ask again if you will move. Now." She just flipped her hair and walked away dragging Luke by the hand. As I looked at them walking away, Luke turned around to look at me, who knows why.

Before 6th period starts I turn to Shane and ask, "Do you know Luke Hemmings?"

He clears his throat, "Not very well. Why?"

I scoot my seat closer to his, "Well tell me what you know about him."

He smiles, "Ok. Well he is a senior, obviously pretty popular because he has no interest in being friends with me. He kind of walks around with three other boys that dress like him. Oh and he is dating the biggest diva in the school: Chelsea Howards."

I roll my eyes, "I'm quite aware of Chelsea."

Shane chuckles, "Yeah she's a piece of work." I was going to ask him more but the bell rang and class had begun.

The teacher goes on and on about the history of different painters and such, Shane and I occasionally whisper to each other about different things. I really like this kid, I think we'll be good friends eventually. After a long 45 minutes, class is dismissed and once again, I have to rush to Miller's class. This better not be a daily occurrence. On the way to his room I feel someone behind me. When I turn around I see Luke.

"Are you stalking me?" I say and stop for him to catch up with me.

"I was just thinking the same for you!" He said and looked at my shirt, "I like that, Paramore is cool!"

I look down, "Yeah they're one of my favorites!"

He looks up, "So where are you heading?"

I groan, "Miller's. You?"

His eyes get big, "Hey me too!"

I laugh, "Another detention?" He laughs, "No not this time. I'm not sure why he asked me to come actually."

I fix my hair, "Same for me." We enter his room together and Mr. Miller is at his desk.

"Fancy you two coming in at the same time! Huh, Mr. Hemmings?"

Luke looks down at me, "Sure?" He says, hoping it is the right answer.

Seems that it is because Mr. Miller stands up and tells us to have a seat. It takes about 10 minutes for him to get to his point and Luke and I aren't really paying much attention. Finally he says, "So that is why I am so impressed with your evaluation score Miss, I'm sorry what is your last name?"

I regain my thoughts, "Anderson." I reply.

Mr. Miller smiles and Luke speaks up, "I'm sorry, great job Christine, but why am I here again?"

Mr. Miller shoots his index finger up like he had a light bulb thought, "Oh! Who would have thought that I forgot you were here!"Luke smiles at me and I try not to laugh.

"And?" Luke says.

Mr. Miller leaned down, "I was thinking, Miss Anderson that you could possibly tutor Mr. Hemmings?" My brain almost explodes.

"What?" Luke and I say at the same time, except his 'what' was excited.

"Well Luke's grades are not, well they aren't good. And I was hoping with your knowledge on this subject that a fellow student could tutor him, say, every other day?"

I sat for a second, "I mean I-I guess so?"

 Mr. Miller lights up and so does Luke's smile, "Perfect!" Miller says very happily.

While walking out to our cars Luke says, "So I guess this gives us a reason to become friends right?" I turn to him, quickly.

"No no it doesn't. I'm simply tutoring you, helping your grade rise. And when it is high enough, you won't need me anymore."

He stretches, "I doubt that." He says with a wink.

"Why did you do that? Luke you, you have a girlfriend!!"

He gives me a stupid look, "Ok? Chelsea is strange. One second she is in love with me, the next second I'm dirt to her."

I adjust my back pack, "That sounds like an issue of yours that I don't want to get into."

I go to open my car door when Luke sticks his hand out to shut it, "Look Christine, don't let her stop you from being my friend, ok?" I stand there and look at the cold pavement.

"Ok." I answer and open my door.

He hops away and says, "Ok! See you later! Miss Anderson." He bows like a fool and walks away. I laugh and get in my car and breathe in. Wow he smelled really nice.

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