Chapter 12

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I get out of my car and Luke follows shortly. He walks close to me and says, "Ok I'm gonna clean this crap off your window."

I run my fingers through my hair, "I- thanks so much, my mom would KILL me if she figured out about this."

Luke laughs, "Don't mention it."

I walk up to my door, "Um ok, I'm going to get changed and stuff," Luke nods and I run inside and up the stairs.

I rip off my clothes and put on a large sweatshirt and tight sweats. I sit on my bed and put socks on, when I look out the window I see Luke cleaning my window and I start blushing. What the heck? Why am I blushing?! I am just his tutor.

I brush my hair and put it in a messy bun. I throw my clothes right in the wash because they smell like a mixture of sweat and alcohol. There's a gentle knocking on the front door so I walk and open it, "Luke why didn't you just come in?" I laugh as he awkwardly strides through the door.

"I don't know! I've never been to your house so I wasn't sure..." He bites his lip ring, I find it adorable.

"Why- why do you do that?"

Luke's eyes get big and he scratches his forehead, "Do what?"

I shrug, "Never mind. Hey you hungry? I'm starving!" I walk to my kitchen and Luke follows closely behind.

"Yeah, I could eat." His accent was so thick when he said that, it made my grin.

"Do you like Cheetos?" I say and shake a family sized bag.

He laughs, "DUH!"

I open the bag, "Well then!" We laugh for a second then I walk to the living room, "Wanna sit?"

He stands there and just stares at me, "You don't mind that I stay for a while?"

I look around confused, "I-I want you to stay," I say pretty quiet. I've never seen him smile so big before, he kicks off his shoes and sits on the other side of the couch, not too close to me. We sit in silence for a couple of minutes and munch on Cheetos. "Soooo.... Why don't we like ask each other random questions?" Luke's eyebrows move up and he adjusts his body so he is facing me.

"Yeah ok! You start."

I lean my head back, "I knew you'd say that. Ok..." I thought of several questions, and he sat there smiling at me like the idiot he was, "Ok! What's your favorite animal?"

He smirked, "Very very original question.

"I actually wanted to know! "Cmon what is it?"

He taps on his chin, "Penguins." That is so cute!

"Really?" I ask.

"Hahaha, yeah... They are so friendly and cute! I love how the walk." And with that he sat on the couch and waddled his body back and forth making me giggle.

"Well what's yours?" He asks.

"I feel stupid because your animal is cute and cuddly..."

He pokes my foot twice, "Well??"

I look down and answer, "Sharks." He grunts and laughs.

"That's awesome! I'm terrified of sharks!!" I told him how I love how terrifying and aggressive they are. He listened really well, which surprised me a little.

"So what do you do on your free time?" I was hoping he would answer in depth. He put on a thinking face and his dimples popped out.

"Well if I tell you, swear you won't make fun of me?"

I was intrigued now, "Yes of course I won't. Now spit it out!" I shook the couch.

He chuckled, "Ok ok, yeesh. Well me and three other of my friends, Michael, Ashton, and Calum kinda formed a band and we like to mess around and play instruments and sing covers and stuff..." I opened my mouth and he looked at me innocently.

"Wow Luke that's so cool!! So you sing?"

His cheeks got a little pink, "I guess, kinda. I mean yes I do. Ashton is the drummer, Michael and I play guitar, and Calum plays bass. We all do the singing."

I was so impressed, "That's great! I would like to hear you guys sometime?"

He didn't look me in the eye, "Sure! I mean we kinda suck..."

I threw a pillow at him. Dang I am flirting, oops. "Oh right!" He was startled, I say, "I guess that'll be for me to find out!" He was shocked that I was interested. The rest of the night we talked and talked about ourselves and it was awesome. My favorite thing though was listening to him talk about his band and music, I could see the passion in his blue eyes and every once in a while he would nibble on his lip ring.

At around 1 am, Luke decided he should probably leave. I stood up and walked to the door with him, "Luke I had so much fun chatting. I could never thank you enough for saving me, and cleaning my car, and just giving me company. Thank you."

He smiled, "No need to thank me. I had a great time too!" He hugged me and I once again felt safe in his arms. We awkwardly let each other go and he said, "Um well, I might need some help on studying for the history test, tutor." He smiled.

"Ok, just text me and we will figure something out!" He walked quickly to his car and I watched him. Maybe I just was caught up in the moment or something, but I don't know if I could just be his tutor.

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