Chapter 25

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Luke's POV

"Gosh I'm such an idiot!" I smack my hand on the steering wheel and think of what just happened with Christine and I. I mean sure, I've always had the hankering to kiss her and stuff, but not like that. It was so rushed and unnecessary. Yup, she probably hates me. Although.... She did kiss me back. I smile to myself but shake it off. No more girls Luke. Especially this one, I need to stop hurting people.

When I got home I quietly walked it, knowing my mom has the power to catch me. But with her being so stressed, she has been really tired which works in my favor this time. I run into my room and close the door, too loud for my likings.

I flip my fan on, I always sleep with the fan on, even in the middle of winter. It helps me sleep, I guess the sound is soothing? I don't bother even changing my clothes, I'm so exhausted. Before I know it I'm face down in my pillow asleep.
"LUKE!" My mother's voice screams from downstairs, making me jump right out of bed. "YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES!! GET YOUR LAZY BUTT UP!!"
I run to the bathroom and peel off my clothes. Black jeans, and a white tshirt will do it for today's outfit. I brush my teeth and comb my hair up. I feel real dirty because I didn't shower last night or this morning.

"Sorry mom." I sigh right when I make it down the stairs.

"Honey, did you sleep at all last night? You look awful." She gasps. And hands me a bagel.

"Yeah, yeah I slept great." I lied and looked at my reflection in the microwave, major bags are under my eyes. I bite into my bagel and shove my shoes on.

I throw my backpack on and rush to my mom kissing her on the cheek. She backs up, "Ah Luke! You smell bad." She says dramatically and pinches her nose.

"Love you mom," I spat as I walked out of the kitchen, I lifted my pits and smelled. I gagged, "Oh gosh, I smell like shit." I mumbled to myself.

"Luke Robert." My mom stomped out of the kitchen, pointing a finger at me, "Watch yourself, you aren't too old for soap in the mouth." I grinned sarcastically at her and walked out to my car.

I do want I want. Haha jk, not with Liz Hemmings as my mom.


Christine's POV

"Ignore Luke, ignore Luke, ignore Luke." I chant to myself while I wait for Ashlee in the car. I don't want him to think he's leading me on so the best thing for me to do is ignore his presence completely, right? Of course I didn't tell Ashlee about the events that happened last night, why should I? She would just freak out and be awkward around them, so I just won't tell her.

Becoming impatient, I honk my horn. Thanks to Ashlee, I probably just woke up my whole neighborhood. About 10 seconds later, Ashlee burst from the front door, still putting a shoe on. She pushes her glasses up and throws her stuff in my back seat. "Go!" She demands out of breath.

"Alrighty then."

We sit in silence until pulling into the school parking lot when Ashlee say, "I can't wait to see Ashton." I laugh and shake my head.

"You only just met him?" I joke and get out of the car.

Apparently Ashlee didn't take my remark as a joke, "Yeah, coming from you?" I looked at her disgusted.

"I'm sorry?" I spin towards her, hoping she doesn't bring up what I think she will.

"Sorry, but don't give me that when you have your experiences with Kyle still in your past."

Tears well in my eyes, how dare she bring that up. Kyle, well he.... I can't even think about that anymore, I'm moving on.

"Ok," I shortly said and walked to the school, tears still threatening to stream down my face.


First period, no interaction with Luke, who I'm sure is sleeping, and no interactions with my best friend who is visiting me. I pictured this week being so much different, but it's only Tuesday and it's sucked. I glance at Ashlee, who tries to smile at me. The thing about me is I hold grudges, unfortunately. I just look at her and look back down, I still feel that knife in my back from our conversation in the parking lot.

When the bell rang, Luke jumped about 10 feet in the air, waking him up from his nap. We are both tired from last night, but like I wanted to do; I ignored him. Ashlee walked out with me to second period. I purposefully went a different way so Luke wouldn't follow me. Too bad the way we went put us next to Ashton, yay.

"Ashlee!" Ashton said and squeezed between Ashlee and I. "You wanna sit with us at lunch?" He said directly to her.

Why is it that I'm the third wheel here? This is only Ashlee's second day at the freakin school!

"Oh my gosh that'd be great!" Ashlee squealed and shook her head.

"You should join too Christine!" Ashton said, forgetting about me.

"Wow thanks for the invite," I spat then completed my journey to second period. Leaving Ashton and Ashlee walking together. Once again, I'm alone.


"Christine are you sure it's ok that I sit with them?" I sat down next to Shane while Ashlee held her tray and stood by the table. I tried to just forget about our little argument.

"Yeah Ashlee go ahead!" I faked a smile.

"You don't wanna join?" She whined.

"Nope, at least for now. I will just chat with Shane! I'm fine believe me."

Ashlee shook her head, and with that she strutted to the boys table. I groaned.

"You alright?" Shane interrupted my thoughts.

"Just wonderful." I turn to see Ashlee flirting with Ashton, Calum and Michael cracking jokes, and Luke staring into my soul.
Luke's POV

Ashlee and Ashton were nonstop talking and all I found myself doing was staring at Christine. Her perfectly untamed hair, and the way she would run her fingers through it making her part messy. But that's beside the point.

"Ashlee." I said once. But she kept on talking. "Ashlee!" Nothing. "Heyyyyyy." I impatiently waved my hand in front of her face.

"What?" She said, still not parting her eye contact from Ashton.

"Why wouldn't Christine sit over here?" I genuinely wondered why.

She turned to face me now, "Well I'm not sure why. She said she wanted to talk to Shane, but it was weird. Like last night before we went to bed, she was in a great mood. Then she woke up, and was not so happy. Then we kind of got into it in the parking lot...." Ashlee looked down, I guess she felt bad for some reason. "Now she is just trying to cover up her anger and memories of something I shouldn't have brought up."

I was intrigued but felt like I had something to do with this. "What memories?" Calum asked.

Ashlee's dark blue eyes got big, "Um, that's not my place to talk about. She hardly ever brings it up, so good luck finding out." She stood up with Ashton to throw away trash. I wasn't sure what 'memories' Ashlee was talking about, but I know half of her anger and grief is coming from our encounter last night.

But I'm going to find a way to fix both.

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