Chapter 8

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Luke's POV

I watch Christine speed out of the parking lot. I catch her while she gives me the finger as she drives off. I smirk, then remember what just happened. I drink some of my milkshake and sigh, throwing a couple bucks on the table for tip.

Chelsea hops up and makes her way over to my lonely self. Her and her posse. I smile sarcastically and look up at her, she starts talking. "Oh Luke, you're too cute. You think that new weirdo will make me jealous." She forces a giggle, "Nice try!" She sticks her finger in what was left of Christine's milkshake and licks it. I grimace as she struts off.

"Gahhhh" I mumble and get in my car. I blare my music, "No tutor, no girlfriend. Wow, I suck." I go home. And no way I'm doing any homework.


Christine's POV

I run to my room before anyone asks me anything. I flop on my bed and close my eyes. The funny thing is, I am not surprised at all with what happened. It's not like I ever had any high hopes for this Luke kid or anything. It just sucks that it happened so quickly.

I turn on pandora and just listen to some chill music until Jake comes in my room. "Woah woah woah. Not so fast." I say to him as he rolls on my bed.

He smiles a toothy smile. "What?" He says 'innocently'.

"How many times have I demanded you to knock before barging in. You're lucky I have clothes on ya know."

He makes a disgusted face and I laugh. "Mom wants you to know dinner is ready." He says and grabs my arm to pull me up.

"Ok! Fine. Just let go I'll be down in a bit." He runs out of my room and I slowly make my way downstairs.


(Next day)

I was half expecting Luke to skip first period like he normally does, but unfortunately he makes it to class early enough to try to talk to me. "Christine."

He whines while I scroll on Instagram, trying my very hardest to ignore him.

Which is quite hard ya know, with an attractive boy paying attention to you and saying your name.

I breathe loudly so he can hear, "What? What is it?" I finally answer. He crosses his leg and holds his knee.

"Do you hate me?" He asks without thinking.

I fake smile, "Yes." I shortly answer right before the bell rings and he drags his body (which is very nice) back to his assigned seat.

During class I keep catching a glimpse of Luke, maybe because every other minute he turns slightly so he can see me. Every time, Mr. Miller annoyingly says, "Mr. Hemmings?" I try not to give Luke the laugh he is expecting. So I just draw on my notebook, trying to distract myself from him. At the end of class Mr. Miller passes out a packet labeled 'DUEFRIDAY'. I scribble my name on the top and shove it in a folder, I'll probably do it Thursday night. Then Mr. Miller walks to my desk. "I was hoping this is what you could help Luke with?" He whispers, "He will need it and I know I can count on you!" He smiles and walks off before I can protest. Luke turns around and smirks knowing exactly what Mr. Miller told me, I groan and zip my bag up, finally the bell. I try escaping before Luke can catch up but...

"Christine Chris-" he laughs, "Why the heck are you running?" I stop and wait for him.

I look up at him, "I just don't understand why he wants me to tutor you! I just fricking started going here!"

Luke unexpectedly poked my face, "Hey I take it as a sign!" He winks and goes the opposite direction and shouts, "Meet me in the library after school!!" I moan.

"Yayyyyyy" I mutter and slowly go off to 2nd period.


Lunch couldn't come any slower as I finally make my way to the lunch table Shane and I and a couple of his nerdy friends sit. When I approach I see familiar blonde messy hair, of course, Luke. I tap his shoulder and he acts like he didn't feel anything, "Luke what are you doing?" I say shortly.

He arches his eyebrows, "About to eat lunch? How about you?" Wow he is such a sassy pants. I look over to his usual spot and see his 3 buds he normally sits with. I sigh and sit across from him.

We sit in silence for a couple of minutes. "Dang what did you do to Shane? Did you scare him off?" I ask him.

He looks confused, "Who's that." Is he stupid or something?

"Um my friend, the boy that always sits where you are right now."

He puts his hand on his chin, "Aww a boyfriend?"

I chuckle, "Not hardly."

He raises an eyebrow, "Ooh not your type I assume? Well if this Shane person isn't your type then what is?"

I take a bite of my strawberry, "Well definitely not you." He drinks out of his water and clears his throat, it even sounds like he has an accent when he does that!

"Hey now, you don't even know me," he defends himself.

I stand up, "I know enough about you to know that you are not my type."

I smile and say, "Ok I'll help you with our homework after last period. Under one condition."

He gets excited, "Yeah,what, anything! I point my finger at him, "No more fun and games of using me to get your, uhm, lovely girl back?"

He shakes my hand on it, "Won't need to be doing that, she is gone." He prods. I walk off and feel giddy that he said that, I shrug it off, he isn't my type.


Luke's POV

"Won't need to be doing that, she is gone." I lay down the truth, a hopeful truth. She turns and walks away, probably not believing me. But I wouldn't believe me either, Chelsea and I are up and down, I hate it. I walk back to my table where Ashton, Michael, and Calum act like they didn't see anything.

"So??" Michael asks me. Ashton and Calum lean forward waiting for a response from me.

"Well she agreed to tutor me after school today."

Ashton leaned back, "That's it?"

I smile and shake my head, "She's a hard shell to crack."

Michael playfully nudges my arm, "The Luke I know can crack any shell. And make any girl crazy."

I scratch my chin, "Guess not, Christine is just not 'any girl' " I use finger quotes.

Calum pats my back, "And you're just not any boy."

I put my hands up, "Guys guys, she is just gonna tutor me, and maybe be my friend. Maybe. She wants nothing to do with me! She is nothing more than that, she hates me actually."

Ashton laughs out loud, "Hates you?! Pshhh, when girls do that they actually like you. She's just playing hard to get, which is cute."

The bell sounds off and we all get up, "I don't know, she is the first girl that has ever really intimidated me." The boys shrug and wish me good luck.We part ways and go to class.

Christine does intimidate me, and I'm not going to lie, I like it.

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