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Quick note and then I'll leave you alone: My chapters are fairly short, but I've still got a full story! And, I know the timeline is super messed up and there might be some details that don't match canon, but I tried to make it realistic. I tried to make it so Y/N doesn't have to be Gryffindor, but there are a few scenes that involve the Gryffindor common room. Also, Voldemort might be dead already, or he never existed, I don't know! we're just gonna have fun in this one. 

I own none of these characters, all rights to JK Rowling and Universal

blah blah blah


The Potions textbook lay unread in front of me. I couldn't make it past the first sentence without glancing over to the left.

Hermione was sitting in her usual corner of the library, a stack of finished books growing by her feet. I watch her eyes scan the pages, and smiled as they glimmered with intrigue. I always liked the way Hermione looked while she read. Her wild hair would fall into her eyes every few seconds, and she would brush it behind her ear just as quickly. She was so in her element, you knew she had no idea she was being stared at. And as soon as I realized that... I realized I was being just a bit creepy.

"Y/N? Did you find anything?" A sudden voice chimed from the right. I forgot Ron and Ginny were with me as well, all working together trying to find the healing properties of Dragon's Blood or something for their potions homework. I snap my head around, hoping they didn't notice my obvious distraction.

"Oh, no, I can hardly get past the first sentence. Potions aren't my strong suit." I sigh, redirecting my attention to the Weasleys. Ginny squinted, giving a dreaded 'you're-hiding-something-and-i-can-tell-because-im-ginny-and-i-know-everything' look. I avoid her gaze and look at Ron, the poor boy looking so stressed he might puke up slugs again.

"Same. I can't understand a bloody word of this..." He said, shaking his head in defeat. "Maybe we should ask someone? Maybe-" He craned his neck past me to the other side of the room, "Maybe Hermione knows?" He suggests hopefully.

I feel my face grow warm, like it so often does. "She might. Uh, should we call her over?" My voice cracks in a hardly subtle way. Ginny looks at both me and Ron and shakes her head slightly. She raises herself up a bit and cups her hands around her mouth. 

"Oi! Hermione!" She whisper-shouts across the library. Madame Pince appears from behind a bookshelf and shoots her a look. Ginny shrugs apologetically as Hermione looks up and blinks. Ginny waves her over, and I feel Ron lean in to my ear.

"Her face looks like she's just woken up from a coma," He mutters. I chuckle and watch as Hermione shakes out of her daze and approaches the table where the three of us sit.

"You know you can't shout in a library!" She quietly scolds Ginny. "You're lucky she hasn't thrown you out already." She slightly gestures her shoulder towards Madame Pince, who still kept her eyes on our group. Hermione turns back and looks at us all expectantly, pursing her lips.

"We're trying to figure something out for potions, and thought you might be able to help?" I ask steadily, trying not to look at her mouth. I gesture to the scroll sitting between me and Ron, and Hermione walks over and stands behind us to get a closer look. 

The back of my neck starts to grow hot. Her hair falls and tickles my shoulder, and her hand rests on the back of my chair. I'd known Hermione for years, but ever since the Yule ball in our fourth year, I haven't looked at her the same. I had seen just how beautiful she was, and realized that seeing her with Krum stirred up some jealous feelings. It wasn't a huge crush, but it was enough to make me feel nervous when she got close. I glance up at her face, studying the scroll intently. My eyes fall to Ron, who seems to be watching her as well. Ron's eyes suddenly meet mine and we both quickly look away. Did Ron have feelings for Hermione as well?

I feel my breath hitch. Of course he did. And to make matters worse, he definitely had a better chance with her than I did. Hermione had never shown interest in other girls, and Ron was a great guy. Ron and I are very close friends, he's one of my favorite people to spend time with. Not to mention, he was the only person who could beat me in Wizard's Chess. Hermione would pick Ron over me any day. Hell, I'D pick Ron over me any day.

"There." Hermione said. I didn't even notice her writing the answer down on the scroll. She set down the quill and glanced at me. "It's nearly 8. We should head back to the common room."

"You're a life saver, Hermione." Ron said as we began to collect our belongings. Hermione smiled and rolled her eyes. I nod in agreement as the four of us walk out of the library. 

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now