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Can I just say whoever drew this photo^^ god bless u❤️
Kuroo's POV
To say I wasn't worried about my homeschooled friend would be a complete lie. Yeah ok sure I didn't really know him much at all but something about the way he was texting made a pit grow in my stomach. We haven't know each other very long so I get him not completely trusting me but if he has no other friends then, who does he talk to? He left my goodnight message on read so I'm assuming he went to sleep, however, I was left awake. I couldn't seem to sleep with all these thought and worries about Kenma. I looked down at my blank wrist and began to think,   I wonder what Kenmas arm says. My parents say I shouldn't worry about my blank arm, Bokuto says it means I'm destined to be alone forever, my school councilor suggested maybe my soulmate didn't speak. Personally I never really cared much about the whole soulmate thing. Sure it'd be nice to find someone out there who's perfect for me, but no ones perfect and I don't like the idea of being forced into a relationship with someone. I mean what if my soulmates an asshole. I let my thoughts slowly flow out of my mind allowing myself to sleep.

When I woke up the next day I felt extremely groggy, luckily there wasn't morning practice today meaning I could sleep in a bit. I checked the time on my phone, 6:30 am. I can manage another 30 minutes.

-Kuroos Phone-
Wednesday 7:35 am

Goodmorning Kenma! :)
Feeling better?

I checked my phone multiple times through the day but I still go no answer which was honestly worrying me. He was acting kinda strange last night and now he isn't answering. I hope he's alright. I shot him another text before putting my phone down to find my lunch table.

Hey all good?

I spotted Bokuto, Akaashi, and Oikawa eating in the same table we usually do, I ran over to join them sitting across from Bokuto and next to Oikawa.

"Kuroo will you please tell Oikawa that he's just being jealous." Bokuto shot Oikawa and anger glare which Oikawa returned.

"I don't know what we're talking about," it didn't matter what they were talking about Oikawa probably was acting jealous. "But Oikawa you probably are being jealous."

"What!" He poured at me. "Not fair! He doesn't even know what we were talking about!"

"And I don't wanna know." I turned my attention towards my bento box in front of me, I wonder if Kenmas ever used a bento box before? I'd imagine not since he's homeschooled but you never know.

"Oikawa says that we shouldn't kiss at school." Bokuto complained to me as I did my best to act like I cared.

"Bokuto-san I agree with him. Your going to get us in trouble." Akaashi spoke in a quiet tone which was inaudible to anyone not at our table. He was right though, PDA wasn't really allowed in school.

"Fine anything for you Akaashi." I swear I saw Bokutos hair visible deflate, however, will just a head pat from his boyfriend he seemed to go back to normal. "You are still jealous though Oikawa. It's not my fault that Iw-" Oikawa quite literally threw himself over the table to put his hands over Bokutos mouth.

"Will you shush! I don't want anyone to know!" He sat back down in his seat.

"What that you have a crush on-"

"Bokuto!" Oikawa yelled causing Bokuto to laugh.

"Oh please Oikawa," he said after recovering from his one-sided laughing fit. "You practically flirt with him anyways. I mean you call him... what was it? Iwa-chan?" Bokuto began to laugh again.

"Yeah but if he knew I was being serious he would be grossed out." The conversation continued on throughout lunch, mostly with Bokuto and Oikawa arguing. I didn't pay much attention, I couldn't stop thinking about Kenma. What was he doing right now? Why did he answer my text? Is he still sad? Is he hurt? Is he ok?

After practice that day I hurried home, not cause I had anything to do I just wanted to be home. I had texted Kenma a few more times throughout the day but still earned no reply. However, as soon as I locked my front door, my parents were out so I was home alone, my phone dinged.

Srry I was busy

Ur all good I was just worried

You were worried?
About me??

Idk u were sad yesterday
I thought maybe something happened

Yeah Srry I just sleep in

It's 2:40 in the afternoon?

Ur point?

U sleep in till 2:40?

I was tired

I can tell
What about school?

Oh uh my teacher couldn't make it today
So I had off

That's lucky

Yeah lucky


So anything exciting happen today?

Look who's mr. chatter box all of a sudden

I'm just trying to make convo
I'll shut up if u want


That's what I thought

My friend Oikawa got exposed at lunch today

Bout what?

He's got a crush on a guy in our class
But he's too scared to admit it
Even though it's probably mutual

Bruh he should just go for it then
What's stopping him?

I think he's scared the guy will be grossed out or something

That's unfortunate
Anyways he shouldn't care so much

That's what I'm saying

My moms home I gtg

Kk ttyl💕

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