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Kenma's POV

I'm official screwed up this time. I was lost in a city I'd barely even been in despite living here for 17 years. I knew Kuroo said he'd keep me safe but the second I saw her again I just needed to get away from her as quickly as possible. Guess I'm more of a flight person than a fight person. Oh well, even if I'd tried to fight I'm pretty sure she'd beat my ass. I desperately looked around for some sort of landmark but all I know is how to get to the park from my house, other then that I'm pretty hopeless. I continued to walk around the city aimlessly until things began to look familiar. The billboards, buildings, even the small decorations that I could have swore I'd seen before, I followed these things in the dark until I reached somewhere I knew. The colorful lights and sweet smells surrounded me, the boardwalk. In complete darkness from night the lit up area looked so pretty. I walked towards it not really knowing what else to do.

I wondered the boardwalk trying to remember which way we headed when we left, however, it was no use I couldn't remember what way he exited from. I even tried to find the fast food place we ate at but again no luck. Plus the commotion and the large groups of people were starting to overwhelm me, this probably wasn't the best place to go alone but it's not like I had much of a choice. I didn't even mean to come here. To top it all off I left my psp back at my house leaving me with nothing to do. In an attempt to get away from all the people I walked onto the beach and sat in the sand away from the busyness of the fair. The beach was relatively quiet since it wasn't exactly swimming weather and it was like 8 or 9, I don't own a watch so I'm not really sure. You know what they say, if you're lost stay where you are. It might be a little late for that but I don't have any other option at this point.

Kuroo's POV

Akaashi was the only one able to keep a cool head during this situation so he took charge. I was too worried to think and Bokuto kept saying that a magician must have taken Kenma. We checked around the park, nothing, we went to my house, again nothing, we even check the cafe we had breakfast at, but he wasn't there. We were now headed to the school and then the boardwalk, if he wasn't in either of those spots our only other option would be to check his house. That would be difficult though. I know he doesn't exactly travel around so he couldn't have gotten far, Akaashi was the one who suggested he was somewhere he knew, luckily for us that list was short. Despite the fact that Kenma wasn't really shown around the school, we still checked the whole perimeter just incase. Nothing.

"I'm sure he's at the boardwalk Kuroo-san you don't need to worry. He seemed to like it and he probably didn't know where else to go." Akaashi reassured me as we made our way over to the fair grounds.

"Akaashi people don't just disappear I'm telling you we should be looking at people who can teleport. I suggest checking out magicians or witches in the area." Bokuto tried to reason with Akaashi but he just sounded like an idiot. Usually I'd be down to joke around with him and bother Akaashi but my minds a bit to preoccupied at the moment. What if something happened to him? What if he got hurt? What if his mom finds him first and drags him home? Am I gonna get to see him again? I've got too many regrets to not see him again! I haven't even told him I liked him yet! I swear if I find him I'm gonna tell him, no more regrets!

"Kuroo bro we're here." Bokuto called out to me snapping me from my thoughts.

"Oh." I walked back towards them and we entered to boardwalk beginning our search.

"We should probably split up to cover more ground." Akaashi suggested and Bokuto and I nodded. Anything to speed up the process.

"Oh! I'll look over by the kids rides!" Bokuto shouted and began to take off running, however, shortly after he returned to us looking rather confused. "Where are the kids rides." Akaashi sighed and grabbed Bokuto's hand.

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