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Kuroo's POV

The walk to the board walk was fairly long considering how close it was but with all the foot traffic it took a good 30 minutes. I was kind of worried Kenma would be scared walking around the city at busy hour but he seemed fine with it. I, however, was not doing so fine. I held Kenma's hand the whole walk there and my heart felt like it was going to explode. Every now and then I would look over at him to make sure he couldn't hear my heart beat, he was too engulfed by the city lights to notice. It was kind of cute seeing his eyes light up at the big build boards and and cars driving by. I guess it makes sense, he doesn't really get out much.

"Ring toss! Ring toss!" Bokuto jumped around pulling Akaashi like a child. Sometimes I felt bad for him but surprisingly he never looked too annoyed at Bokuto, he had a bit of a resting annoyed face though so it's hard to tell. Oikawa also pointed out cute stuffed animals to Iwaizumi as we all followed Bokuto and Akaashi.

"I told you to throw softer." Akaashi said as Bokuto whinned, he didn't get the prize he was aiming for. I'm surprised those bottles didn't break with the force Bokuto was putting behind those rings.

"Oh! Iwa-chan!" Oikawa ran over and grabbed Iwaizumi's hand dragging him over the the booth across from the ring toss. "Let's do this one!" We had been going from stand to stand pretty for the past two hours and since it was practically winter the sun had already begun to set. I asked Kenma if he wanted to play anything specific but he said he'd just play whatever everyone else was playing.

'I can't remember the last time I've been to a fair.' He looked around in pure awe, the lights from the booths shined in his eyes. He was honestly beautiful. I wanted to tell him but I couldn't seem to work up the courage, there's a big difference between jokingly flirting over text and actually flirting in person. I really wasn't that flirty of a guy so I was a bit tongue tied. His eyes eventually rested on mine and I gave him a smile which he returned. The others began to run off pulling their soulmates from booth to booth, leaving Kenma and me alone. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and we began to walk down the boardwalk.

"Then I'll make sure to take you whenever it's open."

'That's a bit much I can only take so much social interaction at once.' I laughed and felt him laugh as well. This felt good, right even, like this was exactly where I was suppose to be right now. After walking around a bit and looking at all the booths, Kenma was more interested in the sights than the games surprisingly, we decided to meet up with the others and get something to eat.

"Yeah there's a fast food place by us." I said into the phone to Akaashi. He was the only one I trusted enough to round up the others.

"Where are you guys?"

"Uhhh," I looked around for some sort of land mark. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to see Kenma pointing to the fun house. "Right by the fun house."

"Ok get a table I'll call Iwaizumi and we'll meet you there." After that we hung up and I grabbed Kenma's hand pulling him over to the tables set up outside. I figured it'd be better to wait to order till everyone was here.

"So," I said to Kenma after we sat down next to each other. "What do you think?"

'Of the fair or your friends?' He asked still signing rather slowly for me.

"Both." I smiled and leaned my cheek into the palm of my hand, turning my self to face him.

'I'm having fun I've never done anything like this. I've never had many friends.' He looked down at his lap and played with his hands. I grabbed his hand causing him to look up at me. I know I initiated it but the way he looked up at me made my stomach flutter.

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