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Longer chapter vibes hope y'all aren't busy☺️
Also idk if I mentioned this but someone asked so I figured I'd say there won't be any smut in this story my asexual ass could never😳✨


Kenma's POV

"Why don't we talk about your mother." Suzuki had finally brought up the forbidden topic during our fourth season. This isn't really how I intended to spend my Thursday afternoon and I was hoping she'd avoid the topic. Kuroo said he had a break today and we were going to go on a date until Bokuto heard about our plans and it turned into a triple date before I knew it. I wasn't complaining though I was started to enjoy hanging out with everyone. However, I knew this session was going to dampen my mood.

'What about her?' I tried to make it clear I wanted to avoid the topic but I knew this was her job and she couldn't just forget about it.

"Let's start with her appearance, do you remember how she looks?" I had no trouble picturing her in my mind, she never really left me even though she was behind bars awaiting trial.

'She has long black hair, she's in her 40s, and she towers over me she's a lot bigger than I am.' My last remark seemed to interest Suzuki but I can't figure out why.

"Kozume do you know how tall your mother is?" Huh what kinda question is that?

'Around 6 feet I think.' I estimated not exactly knowing. She jotted down some more notes on that familiar notepad.

"Kozume your mother is 5 foot 6 only a few centimeters taller than you." That can't be right she always felt so much bigger than me. I could've sworn she towered over me. "Is it possible that the fear you felt made her seem bigger than she was?" I don't understand how that can be true, she seemed so much stronger than me. Was it all in my head? I didn't respond to her, how could I? What would I even say? Could I have really been that messed up, what was wrong with me? "Kozume can you remember anything else about her, how did she act? What was her personality like?" She beat me, how does she think she acted?

'She was cold but she acted like she cared around other people.'

"Would you say she put on a front?"

'Yeah she acted nice to strangers and she was nice to me when distant family was around and when my dad was home.' She nodded and jotted down more notes, that's all she ever did. I started to wonder if she saw me as just another page in her notebook.

"Let's talk about your father." Thank god, the cursed topic was gone. "What was he like when he was around." We had talked about my fathers career briefly in another session as well as my grandma and her sudden disappearance.

'He was nice to me I think he felt bad for not being there so he tried to hangout with me whenever he was home.' I thought back to my fond memories with my father who I was beginning to miss more and more everyday. No one had any clue were he went.

"Kozume I'm going to need to ask you some difficult questions regarding your mother now, do you think you can handle it?" Can I handle it? Defiantly not. However, I knew two things for sure. One if I wanted to speak again I was going to need to get past her. Two the trial was coming up quickly meaning I was going to need to testify as well as go to the house to get my belongings. Right now I can't do either of those. "Kozume? Are you alright?" Only now did I realize I had spaced out.

'I'm fine I can talk about it.' I really didn't want to but what choice do I have?

After my therapy session I found an unusual sight in the lobby. Kuroo was waiting with his keys in hand ready to take me home. Usually Aoi-san drove me here and back. Why did he have to come today of all days?

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