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Oops again srry for the late post
Kenmas POV

I felt my face heat up as I read Kuroo's message. What's wrong with me? He's just joking around, I shouldn't think this way. I hate the way he types with all the heart emojis, what kind of flirty personality is this? Does he text everyone like this? I won't lie, last night all I could think about was how Kuroo said his arm was blank. I mean it did kind of give me a chance that maybe just maybe we could be soulmates but... we'd never know for sure thanks to me. Who knew stupid things I did over a year ago would come back to haunt me. At the time I didn't think anyone could love me so what was the point, now if I could only change one thing in my life I think it'd be that. Thanks to that I'll never know if Kuroo's my soulmate, I could have known by now.

I spent most of my day lazing around in the living room since the house was empty, however, once 5 pm hit I hurried into my room before she could arrive home. Tonight would be a bit different, for starters multiple enemies would be entering the house. My mother friends tend to side with her making me their target but if I can avoid leaving my room its possible I can avoid them all together. Normally when my mother and her friends are together they spend the night drinking which also usually ends with me getting wine glasses throw at me. You'd be surprised at what good aim drunk people can have when they're mad. Then I've got to listen to not one but at least five women tell me that I'm dramatic and worthless, so not the ideal night for me. My moms girl nights always end with me being cut up and having to clean up blood and wine from the floor the next morning.

I heard the door open and the sound of laughter filled the downstairs, from the way they were talking I can tell they were already slightly drunk. It isn't strange for my mother to come home drunk I just always thought she preferred to drink at home. I heard the sound of at least... 7 maybe 8 people walking up the steps towards my room. Shit. I frantically began to look around my room for some sort of hiding spot. Thats when it hit me.


"You're rooms so cool Kenma!" Shouted the small and bouncy orange haired boy. I watched him as he ran from corner to corner taking in everything.

"It isn't anything compared to yours." I replied quietly, it was true his room was huge and had toys everywhere.

"Nah yours is way cooler," He hopped over the futon laid beside my bed and over to my window. He opened it and sticked his head out. "See you can get to your roof from here!" He began to climb out my window slowly.

"Wait you'll fall!" Before I could stop the 1st grader he had already scurried out the window and onto the small ledge outside. I stuck my head out as well and my eyes widened in panic. "Careful!" I watched as he gripped the ledge of my roof and pulled himself up.

"Don't worry Kenma's it's easy!" I watched as he lowered his body and held his hand out to me. "You try."

~Flashback over~

I pulled myself up onto the roof like I had done many years ago, I hadn't been up here since that night. It felt wrong to come up here without him. Shoyo was the closet friend I had from back then but I haven't seen him since I was pulled out of school, I wonder what he's up too? I didn't have much time to think as I could hear my room being torn apart.

"Ken!" That stupid nickname again. I could hear glass shattering and things banging against my walls.

"Where'd the boy go?" Another voice, who I hadn't heard before, also yelled from my room. By the amount of destruction I think I can make out four people rummaging in my room. I wonder where the other 4 went? I laid down on my back and starred up at the stars trying my best to drown out the chaos below me. I knew tomorrow I'd have hell to pay for this but suddenly that didn't matter. Usually I dreaded the next day and the day after that, I just wanted to sleep and never wake back up but now I couldn't stop thinking about the next day. Or rather the next weekend. I'd see Kuroo again and I could watch him try his best to sign sentences from the book while making some stupid joke with his stupid smirk. Once the destruction died down and I heard my bedroom door slam shut I pulled out my phone.

Kuroo what are you doing rn?

Nm what's up?

Want to watch the stars with me?


Go outside and call me

My phone began to ring only seconds later, I answered it quickly. I watched as Kuroo smiled like an idiot and I smiled back. I didn't really like my smile, it was small and usually unnoticeable plus after everything it felt foreign. However, Kuroo smiled with such easy it kind of made me jealous, how can someone smile so brightly and easily?

"Are you on your roof?" He asked a look of confusion sweeping his face. I nodded and he laughed. I watched him lay down on the grass outside his house, he kept the phone on his face the whole time and I did the same. I watched as his eyes gazed at the stars, he looked so mesmerized. We sat quietly just enjoying the company before he spoke up, "Did something happen?" I didn't enjoy lying, well not to Kuroo at least, so I nodded my head yes. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head no. He just continued to stare at me through the phone, I tried to read the emotion in his eyes, was he sad? No not exactly I can't quite put my finger on it.

Suddenly a gust of wind reminded me I was still in my pajamas, sweatpants and a t shirt. In my hurry I had forgotten to grab a coat and it was fall. "Why don't you head inside you look freezing." I shook my head no again, I couldn't go back inside. "At least grab a jacket." That wasn't exactly an option either. I heard four people rummaging through my room and four people leave my room, yet I heard 8 people walk up the steps towards my room. Maybe I'm thinking too much, I tend to do that but I don't really want to risk it. "What happened that you won't go inside Kenma." 

Suddenly Kuroo seemed a lot more serious than just moments ago, I refused to look at him even through a screen. "Kenma." He paused I could feel him gazing at me through the phone. "Is it your mom?" I shut my eyes tight not wanting him to see my emotion through my eyes like I'd done to him just moments ago. "I know it's not for a while but," I opened my eyes again and looked back towards my phone. "Maybe you should stay over next weekend, if you want of course." Obviously I wanted to , anything to get a night away from here but could I? 

If I leave when I do eventually return I'd most likely get the shit beat out of me, I wouldn't put it beyond her to even kill me. Plus I didn't want to leave my dad behind without warning. I starred back at Kuroo once again looking at his eyes, they looked warm, safe almost. That's right Kuroo's safe he's always there and always asking if I'm ok or if somethings wrong. He cares more then anyone else ever has, I'm not use to it not since Shoyo.

I shook my head yes and he seemed to brighten up immensely. "Perfect!" He practically jumped with enjoyment before quickly returning to his serious tone. "Kenma I want you to listen. If she tries anything again, if you think you're in danger I want you to leave and call me. We can met at the park." I gulped thinking of the many situation that would cause me to do that. I think he's underestimating her, I've never not felt in danger while she was home. One little thing set her off and she'll take it out of me. Not to mention she keeps trying to beat the words out of me, even though this is her fault to begin with. She did lock the words inside me in the first place. I nodded once more and his smile returned again. "Good." After that we went silent once more watching the stars under the same sky, it felt like we were close even though we weren't together.

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