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I'm posting this chapter a bit earlier because I gotta take the SAT :((


Kenma's POV

I woke up in my bed the next morning feeling rather cold. I sat up and looked around my room... wait my room? But how did I... I thought this was over? I felt the panic rise inside me. I thought I got away from her? I heard loud footsteps making their way up the stairs and soon enough my door swung open.

"Ken dear," I gulped in fear. "Come downstairs and eat breakfast." She slammed the door shut and I heard her steps climb back down the steps. What's happening? I was with Kuroo just a second again. Just yesterday she was sent to jail, that was real right? That happened, right? What if it didn't? What if- "Kenma didn't I tell you to get your ass downstairs!" I heard her yell form the bottom of the steps. I hurried out of bed and out my bedroom door to met her in the kitchen. She smiled at me as I met her at the bottom step and followed her into the kitchen.

Our kitchen table could fit 6 people and all but two chairs, my own and my mothers, were filled. My dad, my grandma, Inaba, and Kuroo all sat around the table. Why was Kuroo here, why were any of these people here? I mean I thought my dad and grandma disappeared, and now they're back? My mother gestured for me to sit, too scared to go against her I took a seat across from Kuroo and next to Inaba. Next to Kuroo sat my grandma, my mom and dad were at the ends of the table. My mother was unfortunately sitting close to me.

"Ken do you know who these people are?" My mother asked me, her words sounded innocent enough but her tone of voice was... methodical. I glanced around the table, why was she asking me that? She knew I knew these people. I didn't respond but instead stared at her. "These people took you away from me, didn't they?" She turned her gaze towards the other people at the table, they all shook their heads in agreement. What's happening? Why would they agree with her? Why was Kuroo agreeing with her? "Do you know what happens to people who take you away from me Ken?" Again her voice sounded so evil. I was too scared to move, instead I just stared at Kuroo. I wonder if I look away will he disappear? What was she going to do? "They have to be dealt with Ken, I have to deal with them you understand don't you?"

What did she mean deal with them? What was she planning to do? What she going to hurt them? I couldn't let her do that! They helped me, I can't let her hurt them. Suddenly she stood up and walked over to Inaba and stood behind him. In her hand emerged a small pocket knife that I hadn't noticed before. She slit his throat and he fell face first on the table. I stared at the lifeless body next to me and by the time I looked back up both my dad and grandma had suffered the same fate. She was now standing behind Kuroo with the knife right at his neck. She pressed down and drew some blood but before I could watch him fall everything turned black.

I jumped up quickly, where am I? I felt the soft bed under me and the warmth beside me but it was too dark to see. I was panting and shaking in fear I could feel my eyes watering but I wasn't pushed to cry just yet. I let out a shaky breath and did my best to calm down.

"Kenma?" I felt movement beside me and turned to see who it was. I felt someone grab my arm and flinched back unsure of who it was. "Hey it's just me." Their words with muffled and I couldn't make out the voice. Again they reached out for my arm but I pulled back out of fear. "Take deep breaths Kenma." Even though I didn't know who it was I trusted the voice and did my best to calm down. My eyes began to adjust to the dark and I could make out Kuroo next to me. I took one more deep breath before laying back down hugging Kuroo tightly. "Bad dream?" He asked running his fingers through my hair. I nodded my head yes and continued to focus on my breathing, calming myself down enough to fall back asleep.

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