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Kenma's POV

I hadn't even arrived at Kuroo's house yet and I already felt like a bit of a burden. He skipped school Friday and Monday to be with me, which I enjoyed don't get me wrong, but I felt kind of bad for keeping him from class. He's probably going to have a lot of makeup work.

"We don't have an extra room so you'll have to bunk with Kuroo and we can get you another bed." His mother had agreed to take me in which I was extremely thankful for. I don't exactly have other family so I would have been sent to an orphanage otherwise. I sat in the back seat with Kuroo while his parents sat in the front listening to some old music I hadn't heard before.

"I charged my psp when I got home last night so it should be all good for when we get home." Kuroo ended up staying at the hospital pretty much all day Sunday, the others went home since only one person was allowed to stay. I was cleared to leave Monday morning and I was pretty eager to get out, I'm not really a fan of hospitals.

'Thank you.' I'll have to make this all up to Kuroo one day, maybe I'll get him a gift or something. When I get my stuff from the house of course. Which is what we're doing right now, and it's also the reason Kuroo stayed home from school today. I was scared to go back in the house so Kuroo said he'd go with me. I don't know if that will be enough though, I know I probably sound greedy but even with Kuroo there I don't think I can bring myself to go back there. I ended up cuddling up to Kuroo for the rest of the car ride, I thought about sleeping but we arrived soon after the thought crossed my mind.

"Are you ready Kenma?" He asked, smiling at me with his soft, lovable smile. I couldn't exactly say no since we were already here but saying yes would be a lie that he'd defiantly see through. Instead I just didn't respond, I made no effort to get out of the car. I sat still curled up again Kuroo staring at the house. "I'll be right there with you, you'll be ok I promise." He played with my hair gentle before grabbing my hand and dragging us out of the car. Each step across the lawn felt excruciatingly painful. I don't even know where the pain was coming from since it was just grass I was walking on but it physically hurt being there. I stopped in my tracks causing Kuroo, who was leading me, to get pulled back slightly. "Hey what's wrong?" I didn't move or respond to him I just stared blankly at the building in front of me. This wasn't a house and it surely wasn't my home. Just looking at it makes me feel every bit of pain she ever brought me here.

'Kuroo I can't.' Finally I mustered up enough courage to speak, even though it was just to Kuroo I was extremely nervous. I probably looked stupid just standing on the lawn like that. He let go of my hand and pulled me into his chest. I let out a shaky breath and tried my best to relax but it was no use.

"I won't make you." He comforted me like he had been doing these past few days but I still couldn't seem to calm down.

"You don't have to go in now dear." His mother said approaching us. "Until your mother goes on trial the house is still technically an active crime scene. Nothing will be touched." I felt kind of bad having them drive here for nothing but there's no way I'm going in that place again. Eventually I pushed myself away from Kuroo to speak with her.

'I don't want to go in.' Both of Kuroo's parents apparently starting learning sign language when they found out we were dating, I'm not use to people making an effort for me so when Kuroo told me that yesterday I was happy. His parents felt more like family than my own ever did. Speaking of my parents I never did learn what was going to happen to my mom, in fact I didn't want to think about it at all. However, I did hear that my dad has apparently been MIA since last week. He was the only person I had even if he was never there, so I hope he's ok.

"Then we'll head home and come back when you're ready!" She smiled largely at me and I smiled back enjoying her kindness, another think I'm not use to.

"So I got a bit of news." Kuroo said plopping down on his bed next to me, I was very engaged in my instance Mario Kart match but I gave him some of my attention anyways. The smallest amount I could of course. "Ok two things." He leaned over and snatched the console away from me. I gave him a look of utter disgust but he just laughed it off, I wasn't joking though I will kill him for that. "You need to listen this is important."

'Fine.' I signed clearly showing how annoyed I was at the interruption.

"My mom is technically your legal guardian now so she was able to enroll you in school under your own name." He seemed excited but all I felt was nervous. I hadn't been since elementary school and now with everything happening I kind of scared of what might happened there. Plus I never really had a home school teacher since my mom didn't care enough meaning I had to teach myself. "Don't worry though you aren't going back now. Second news is that Oikawa's dad can't be your therapist but he is setting you up with one of his co-workers." He paused to look down at some text message on his phone. "Apparently that starts..." He looked through his phone. "Oh tomorrow. You can go back to school when you feel comfortable." The only thing I was really excited about was the therapist appointment, I wanted more then anything to be able to speak again. I had a feeling it was probably due to my mother but if she isn't around anymore why can't I speak?

While spending my painstaking day in the hospital I realized something, if I can get to the point of speaking again then words should appear on Kuroo's arm. That way we'll be able to know if we're soulmates or not. It sounds like a silly dream, wanting to talk just to see if he was my soulmate, but it was the most important thing to me right now.

"Sorry that was probably a lot to say at once." Kuroo apologized even though he had no reason to. It was a lot to take in at once but I was surprisingly ok with it.

'No it's fine. I'm kind of glad to hear it. I do want to be able to speak again.' My sentence to Kuroo were getting longer and faster as he became more and more fluent in sign language, he was a surprisingly fast learning and I even saw him teaching his parents a bit before. As scary as it is though, now that I think about it everything Kuroo said made me kind of happy. I do want to go to school with him and eat lunch with everyone, but on the other hand it'd defiantly be a lot for me. I mean I'm use to being isolated, hanging out with Kuroo and his friends was the most people I'd been around at once in a long time.

"Well that good to hear!" He laughed, hugging me and pulling me down onto the bed with him. Well rather I was on the bed and he was lazily laying on top of me. "Now what do you want to do?" He put his hands on either side of my shoulders to push himself up. I immediately blushed realizing the situation, he did the same and eventually pushed himself all the way up and sat besides me. I sat up as well. "So..." His face was incredible red and it was kind of funny. He started this why is he getting embarrassed? He scratched the back of his head and said, "Movie?" He can be such a dork sometimes it isn't even funny. He turned to look at me and I quickly leaned in a kissed him, I didn't leave him enough time to kiss back, it was more of a peck. I just thought it'd be funny to see him get all red again. Which of course he did. I shook my head yes in regards to the movie and after his shock ended he reached for the remote to put something on.
Nothing like pure fluff to apologize for the last few chapters☺️

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