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Kuroo's Phone

Wednesday 10:43 pm


Kenma please I need to know

Are you okay?

Kuroo's POV

He hasn't texted me since Tuesday morning, I can't seem to focus on anything other than Kenma. Is he ok? What happened? Why isn't he answering? Why did he stop mind sentence? What did he wanna know? What was his question? I tossed and turned all night but I couldn't get a wink of sleep. I glanced over at the clock on my night stand 12:50 am. I found myself getting up and heading down stairs. 1 am. Kenma said he could get out of his house at 1 am. What are the odds he's at the park right now? Maybe his mom took his phone. I threw on my shoes and began to make my walk towards the park.

Empty. Not a single person was here and even though I knew he probably wouldn't come I didn't want to leave until I was sure. What if he came when I left. I walked around the duck pond for about an hour before I realized he defiantly wasn't coming, not that he had any reason to. It's not like we made plans to meet here or anything. I began to walk away from the park but not back towards my house, I tried to remember which way Kenma left that night. No luck, now isn't the best time for my memory to fail me. 

I woke up the next day feeling utterly exhausted. I got home around 3 and went straight to bed but considering I had to be up by 6 for morning practice, I didn't get much sleep. I figured I'd try to text him again, just incase.

Kuroos Phone

Thursday 6:21 am


Kenma plz answer if u can

I miss u and I'm worried

Kuroos POV

The rest of the day dragged on slowly, I couldn't keep up with everything going on and it was pretty obvious.

"Are you good Kurbro?" Bokuto asked me as Akaashi, him, and I sat down at the lunch table. Oikawa and Iwaizumi were late per usual. 

"Akaashi I need some advice." He looked up at me and gave me his full attention, no matter what the problem was if you asked Akaashi for help you know for sure he'd do his best.

"Wait your not gonna ask your best bro for help!" Bokuto yelled sounding rather offended.

"Bokuto-san please quiet down and let Kuroo speak." Bokuto pouted but sat down anyways. "What happened?" 

"I've been texting this guy-" Before I could even finish my sentence Bokuto was pulled out of his emo mood.

"Mute boy! Your soulmate!" Again Akaashi ushered Bokuto to sit down and be quiet, of course he  listened and I continued my story.

"Anyways recently he's completely stopped texting me and I don't mean like he's ghosting me. He was in the middle of a sentence and then just vanished." 

"Strange what do you think could have happened?" Akaashi asked, at this point Bokuto was fully under control and eating his food quietly.

"I mean, I know he doesn't have the best home life, something with his mom he won't say, so I'm kinda worried something happened."

"Do you have any idea what his mom is doing to him?"

"I figured it was some kind of abuse." I knew Kenma cut a while ago because of his mom but it didn't feel right telling everyone about that, it's his private business after all. 

"Is it possible she took his phone, if she found out he was texting you would he get in trouble?" Would he? Yeah probably I mean he never said anything about it but he had to sneak out to see me and I know he isn't allowed to really talk to people so I'm assuming he would have. 

"Yeah probably but if he did get his phone taken I've got no way to contact him, I don't know where he lives or anything." Akaashi took a second to take in my statement. 

"Did you make plans to meet somewhere someday, or do you have a place you've met at before?" 

"Yeah we were going to go to the park this weekend and we went last weekend as well." 

"I say go there, maybe he plans to talk to you there, or umm sign I guess. You know what I mean." I nodded my head and went back to my food, I had tried that last night but if I go every night eventually he'd show up, right? I don't care how ridiculous it sounds if it means I get to see Kenma again I'll do it. 

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