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Kenma's POV

"And this," Oikawa said opening one of the many doors in his house. "Is my room." His room was rather big but was filled with stuff making it appear smaller. I could easily tell he has a bit of an alien obsession just by standing in his room for five seconds. I laughed a bit at his space themed area. "Hey don't laugh!" He pouted at me which just made me laugh more, he kinda reminded me of a 6 year old child.

'Sorry you're room's just funny.' I said finally calming down a bit, at least enough to sign to him.

"I swear everyone laughs at my room. Iwa-chan, Tobio-chan, tobio-chans boyfriend, and now you!" He huffed and walked over to sit on a chair in the corner by his tv. "One day I'll make fun of your bedroom, we'll see how you like it." I didn't know who Tobio-chan or his boyfriend were but I decided not to ask, probably just some of Oikawa's other friends I mean he was popular.

'I share a room with Kuroo so you'd be making fun of him too.' Oikawa looked at me shocked.

"Kenma! I didn't make you out to be such a player!" Oikawa seemed excited, too excited. Someone needs to tell him to not make assumptions about other peoples lives.

'Oikawa I don't even wanna know what you're thinking about.' I responded sitting in the chair next to him, he just smirked and turned on the tv.

"Want to play a game or something?" I took a deep breath calming down my nerves before responding.

'Actually there's something I want to do.' He looked at me confused and put the remote down.

"Like what?"

'Speak.' I'd decided the first person I'd speak to would be Oikawa, besides Kuroo I was closest to him.

"Woah is this you first time speaking?" He sat up and I shook my head yes. "And you're sure he want to speak with me first, not Kuroo?" Again I nodded my head.

"I..." I was more nervous then I should be, but besides my nerves I didn't feel any pain. This was something new. "I don't know... what to... say... to him." My words came out quiet and kinda choppy but they came out, and Oikawa looked shocked.

"Kenma..." He stared at me with wide eyes. "Your voice is kind of cute." He laughed and I was beginning to remember how annoying he could be. "Hahaha you sound like a child!" He continued to laugh and while I should be mad at the insult I did make fun of him earlier so I'll just consider this his pay back. Plus him laughing made me a bit less nervous. Eventually he calmed down and turned back towards me. "Oh yeah cause whatever you say to Kuroo now will be on his wrist."

"I wanna... say... something... good." It seemed the more I was around him the easier it was to speak and the more I spoke the less scratchy my voice sounded.

"Right so you want me to help you think of something?" I was gonna just shake my head yes to respond to him but I remembered what Suzuki said and stopped myself.


"How long have you been thinking about this?" He asked me, honestly I'd been questioning what I'd say to him since I first started going to therapy.

"Since... my first therapy.. appointment." He began to think, however, the silence didn't last long and soon enough he broke it with his idea.

"You love Kuroo right?" Why would he ask that? Obviously.


"Then why not just tell him, I'm sure he'd love to have that on his wrist." Whatever I said I'm pretty sure Kuroo would love, but after everything he's done the least I can do is make it special. But then again, what if nothing happens?

"What if..." I paused but not because I was having trouble speaking, I was scared. "We aren't... soulmates?" Kuroo and I had never confirmed it, I loved him and I knew he loved me but we didn't know if we were soulmates. What if we aren't?

"Kenma listen," Oikawa pushed his chair closer to mine and looked at me directly as he spoke. "You guys clearly love each other, I don't think it matters whether you're soulmates or not. Soulmates don't always end up together, I mean my sister met her soulmate and they're best friends but that's all." He smiled at me and I felt slightly reassured, Kuroo said something similar. "If you guys turn out to be soulmates, great amazing, but if not nothing will change." He's right, it doesn't matter. Soulmates or not nothing would change between Kuroo and I, although I'd love to be his soulmate just being with him would be enough.

"Now that that's settled," He turned back towards the tv. "And now that you can speak," He handed me a controlled for the console hooked up. "I'm expecting some serious trash talk in Mario Kart." He smiled at me and I laughed, actually laughed with my voice this time. That seemed to make him smile more and we both turned towards the game loading up in front of us.

Kuroo's POV

My test ended around 5 and originally I was going to get Kenma right after but he and Oikawa were in the middle of a heated Mario Kart game so I gave them two extra hours before heading over. Kenma and I had planned to stop and get dinner on the way home. When I pulled up to Oikawa's house I texted Kenma and the door opened. They talked for only a second before Kenma ran over to my car and Oikawa gave him a thumbs up. I wonder what that's about.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked once he was in the car and buckled up.

'Fast food? I'm not super hungry.' I nodded in agreement since I wasn't all that hungry either. Luckily Oikawa lived rather close to a good fast food place so I went through the drive thru and we just ate in the car. However, seeing as it was Friday and we had no school tomorrow I wanted to do something more than fast food and the inevitable video games at home. It was already dark and I had the perfect idea of where to go.

After finishing our food I drove off in the opposite direction of the house and Kenma picked up on it immediately.

'That's not the way home idiot.' I actually think it's physically impossible for him to not make fun of me at least once a day.

"I'm obviously taking you somewhere idiot." I joked back, he smiled and rolled his eyes looking out the window. After about a ten minute drive I parked the car in an empty field. We both got out of the car and he looked around confused. He pulled on my sleeve and I looked over at him.

'Kuroo there's literally nothing here.' I ignored his comment and laid down on the grass, it was kinda cold but nothing unbearable. When he didn't make any indication he would be joining me I pulled him onto the ground as well. 'Asshole.' He signed at me while laughing a bit. I smiled and looked up at the stars above us. Stargazing was a bit cliche but there's a reason so many people do it, it really was pretty. The wind blew a bit and Kenma moved closer to me for warmth. I wrapped an arm around him and we stayed like that for a bit just watching the stars.

"Pretty isn't it?" I asked him as I looked over to see him staring at the sky. He nodded his head without taking his eyes off the stars. Out of no where a drop hits my nose, it wasn't rain though. I looked over at Kenma who noticed the same thing.

'It's snowing.' He signed still looking up at the sky. The snow began to fall a bit faster but it never turned into a storm. It stuck to the ground around us and despite the cold snow hitting us I didn't feel cold at all. So Kenma and I stayed laying on the ground watching the stars while it snowed. Everything about this just seemed perfect. Suddenly I felt Kenma move a bit in my arms, I looked over at him but he was still on his back looking up at the stars. I stared at him and I noticed his mouth open.

"I love you."

There's only one more chapter left :(( I rlly don't want this story to end cause I love y'all so much

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