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Kenmas POV

It's more like interesting friends I've made

Sitting on my bed, I stared at my phone for a bit thinking about the question stirring around in my mind, should I ask him? I mean I wanna know and I think he want's to know to but... It could just be wishful thinking. I began to text my message when my door busted open I hit send accidentally before my phone was snatched out of my hands.

"What do you think you're doing Ken?" I looked up at my mother blankly, texting obviously and I thought I was the disabled one. I continued to stare at her watching her eyes beam anger. "Your still pulling this shit Ken. You're going to be 17 don't you think it's time to let go of this childish drama." I didn't get angry very often, I was good at keeping a cool head, but something about her calling me dramatic because I'm mute really pisses me off. I didn't chose to be his way it's her fault after all. 


"I want you to think back to the last time you spoke." I keep my gaze on the stuff animal in my lap while I tried my best to think about that day. "What was happening, can you write it down?" I knew very well even at a young age what would happen if I told the truth. If I wrote down that my mother was beating me I would be sent away. No matter how much I hated my mom I didn't want to leave my dad like that, I knew he'd be devastated. I picked up the notepad and wrote a simple answer,

I don't remember.

After that I was put on anxiety medication but even though I claimed I didn't remember my therapist wouldn't stop asking. She probably knew I was lying but then again she couldn't exactly prove it. 

The medicine didn't help though, well it never got the chance to help. That day when I came home it was snatched away before I could even use it.

"You don't need this Ken." I watched her dump the pills out into the garbage disposal before turning it on and tossing the bottle in the trash. "You'll thank me later." 

~Flashback Over~

I never did end up thanking her later, no shocker there. She began to read the messages on my phone, I could hear the ding of Kuroo texting me.

"What did you say to him?" She lowered the phone but still kept a grip on it. She bent down to be eye level with me. "What does he know." I didn't even shake my head at her after Sunday night and now this, I don't stand a chance. She went back to reading the messages and after a while I noticed the dings went silent, he must be in class now, I hope I didn't worry him to much. "You're not allowed to talk to him anymore, understand?" When I didn't respond she grabbed my face to pull it up to hers. "Understand?" I frantically shook my head yes fearing what she might do. She tossed me down, luckily I was still on my bed. 

She walked over to my window and opened it. "Is this how you got out last night?" She turned back around and stared at me, it felt like daggers digging into me. I shook my head yes. I looked away from her and at the ground, however, shout my eyes back to her when I heard a loud shattering sound. She shut the window and left my room, the phone was no longer in her hand. Once I heard my door shut I ran over to the window and looked down, surely enough what was left of my phone was on the ground. A wave of sadness rushed over me, that was my only connection to Kuroo, now it's gone. 

Suddenly I was yanked away from my window and stumbled back onto my bed. My mom began to hammer something, probably a nail, into the window frame. "There, that's problem two fixed." She smiled happily before again leaving my room. I'm trapped. In other a matter of minutes I lost the only two things still connecting me to friends, the window I climbed out with Shoyo and the phone I used to text Kuroo. Now It's just her and me. 

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