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Not Kuroo stacking Kenma plushies on Kenmas head
Kenma's POV

"Well your welcome to stay as long as you need!" Kuroo's parents were nice people they didn't speak down to me like most people did when they found out I was mute.

"What will you do about school dear?" Kuroo's mom asked me, I turned to face Kuroo so that he could translate. However, before I could he answered for me.

"Well he was homeschooled but since-" He was cute off by his mother who seemed over joyed with her idea.

"Let's enroll him under our name then!" His parents knew about my mother, I didn't really want to tell but I had little say in the matter, meaning they knew I'd been to school as a child. Since my name was already in the school system I wouldn't be too hard to reenroll me. Except without my mom I'd need to be enrolled by another guardian, aka Kuroo's mom.

"Taking Tetsuro's last name already." His dad joked making me blush and hide my face behind my hair.

"Dad what the hell!" Kuroo complained to his father who responded by simply laughing, his mother joined in as well. Even though it was kind of making me flustered I laughed too maybe it was just because they were laughing, it was a bit contagious. I'm not use to this, a family laughing together so it made me kind of happy. When Kuroo noticed me smiling he smiled as well forgetting about his anger.

"I'll see what I can do over the weekend, ok?" His mother looked at me, I nodded and with that his mother and father walked towards the kitchen. Since we'd already eaten Kuroo and I went up to his room, I plopped down on the bed immediately. I was tired but I couldn't sleep there was too much going on. Between my moms threat, which Kuroo told me about on the way home, the beach scene, and the thought of going back to school my brain couldn't calm down. I laid on the bed with my feet dangling off the end. Kuroo walked over and sat down next to me, looking down at me.

"I'm glad you had fun today." He smiled his usual smile at me and it made my heart flutter, I almost forgot about telling him until now. I sat up and faced him, he never let his gaze leave me.

'Hey Kuroo can I ask you something.'

"Yeah of course." He responded seeming more interested in the conversation. There was the chance I'd be rejected but for some reason I didn't feel like that would happen. Maybe it's just a hunch but I do think Kuroo likes me, at least a bit. Maybe not as much as I like him.

'You said you'd date someone even if they weren't your soulmate right?'

"Yeah." He sounded slightly suspicious, I wonder if Kuroo knew I liked him?

'So then would you date-' He grabbed my hands and cut me off quickly.

"I'm in love with you Kenma would you please date me!" He yelled stilling holding on to my hands. "Sorry I wanted to say it first." He laughed and smiled at me brightly. "I planned to say it back at the beach but I got kinda nervous." He scratched the back of his head embarrassed, he then let go of my hands so I could respond.

'You're so stupid.' I couldn't help the smiling growing on my face at the thought of him liking me back. I've never been in love with someone before so everything was new to me.

"Yeah, yeah I know." He laughed more and then before I even knew it happened, he quickly kissed me. There wasn't even enough time for me to kiss him back, my face was extremely red from blushing. He laughed more from seemingly pure excitement before pulling me into a tight hug. No words were exchanged between us, instead he just laid down on the bed still hugging me tightly. I was tired anyways so I wasn't going to complain, plus this was a pretty good way to fall asleep.

Short chapter sorry but this just felt like a good spot to leave this chapter off on. They kissed y'all they finally kissed. But yk what they say u can only go down from here :))

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