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Kenma's POV

In the end I did get my wish. I got to spend the rest of the day with Kuroo, he didn't leave my side once. However, as 7:30 rolled around I knew I was going to need to find a way to sneak out. Currently that was going to be a bit difficult since Kuroo was holding me tightly while we watched a movie. I can't remember which I was too preoccupied thinking of escape. Ignoring my heart screaming at me to stay was a bit difficult but my brain was starting to get control. I knew if I stayed I'd only cause trouble for him, his family, and everyone around me. Soon enough my opportunity came, he paused the movie and got up.

"I gotta pee I'll be right back." I nodded my head and once he was gone I reach over to his phone, typing quickly before putting it down and exiting his room. Luckily for me his parents were in their own room so it was as simple as going out the front door. Last time I tried to sneak out a front door I almost died so when I approached the handle I hesitated a bit. However, eventually I pulled myself together and opened the door.

The walk home was cold I only had on Kuroo's sweatpants and his t-shirt which were both too big for me. I debated changing but I honestly just wanted to keep something of Kuroo's around since I knew what I was getting myself into. The smell of Kuroo would have to be enough to comfort me since I'm sure I'll be in lock down. When I turned down my block everything hit me, I'm never going to see Kuroo again. After today he'll be gone from my life. He doesn't know where I live and even if he did I'm sure my mom will never let him get close. I knew one more day wasn't actually going to be enough to satisfy me and I knew his clothes weren't going to be enough to comfort me but I can't be selfish right now. Eventually I reached my house but I was too scared to step off the street and onto my front lawn, I just kind of stood there.


Kuroo's POV

When I got back from the bathroom I noticed my room was empty of my pudding head boyfriend.

"Kenma?" I asked looking around my hallway and my room I went over to my phone thinking of texting him before remembering he didn't have a phone. However, when I got to my phone I noticed it was on and opened to the texts between his mother and I. Oh shit.

Or you and all your friends can say goodbye to school, volleyball, and your families

I'll come home
Just plz leave Kuroo alone

Oh shit. I stood frozen not exactly sure what to do at this point. He left. Why? For me? I told him I'd protect him? Did he really not trust me? No that wasn't it, he was scared. For me. He was worried I'd get hurt. He probably thought this was the best thing to do but he couldn't be more wrong. What am I doing! he couldn't have gotten far on foot without shoes and not in this cold. I grabbed my phone and ran towards the front door, quickly slipping on sneakers. Without warning my parents I bolted towards the park, I don't exactly know where his house is but I'll have to figure it out.

I thought maybe I'd pass him on the way but no such luck, I arrived at the park and he was nowhere in sight. Think Kuroo! How can I find him, I've got no clue where he lives. Think back to the first time we went to the park, which way did he go when walking home? I tried so hard to relive that moment but it was blurry and faded from time. Which way did he go I don't exactly have time to sit around and think. Finally my mind regathered itself and I saw him leaving that day, he gave me a thumbs up saying he'd be careful on his way home. I wasn't talking about his walk home though, I was just saying it in general. Look where that got him.

I quickly ran down the road that I remembered him walking down and surely enough there he was standing outside his house, shaking at the sight of it. He seemed too scared to move, too scared to walk another step onto his lawn.

"K-" I was about to call out for him when another voice boomed over me.

"KENMA!" The front door to his house flew open and his mom stormed out grabbing his arm and looking around. She must've seen me, it's not like I was hiding or anything. "Leave my family alone I don't want to see you here again!" She yelled at me glaring scarily. Kenma didn't know I followed him so he seemed a bit surprised to see me but before any interactions could happen he was pushed towards the front door. I could make out him mouthing something to me before they were locked away inside. I didn't know what he said though, the last thing he wanted to tell me and I don't know what it is. I sunk down to the floor feeling hopeless. All the promises I made him, yet I couldn't keep a single one.

"Kenma I'll do everything I can do you don't have to go back."

"I promised I wasn't gonna let her do anything to you."

"I won't let anything happen to you."

In the end I couldn't keep a single one of these promises, I told him all these things he was counting on me and I broke every single one of them. Now he was back in the same situation, probably worse, and because I couldn't do anything to help. No. I know where he lives now, I'll get him out. Maybe not alone and maybe not this instance but I'm not letting him spend another sleepless night in this place.

I am so excited for u guys to see tmrws chapters!! Also it's probably gonna get kinda messy next chapter consider this your forewarning :))

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