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Kenma's POV

"Kenma wake up." I felt a pillow get thrown at my face forcing me awake. "I've let you sleep as long as you could." I sat up and rubbed my eyes seeing Kuroo standing in front of the bed in his school uniform. "I took off morning practice to help you get ready for your first day so you better get up." He walked out of the room and soon came back with a pair of clothes. "This," He said placing the clothes down on the bed. "Is your uniform."

'It's ugly.' It looked good on Kuroo but seeing it just laying out, it does look kind of ugly.

"Yeah but you don't have a choice, unless you'd rather go to a different school." Kuroo said with a smirk, I just shook my head and picked up the clothes walking towards the bathroom. I changed quickly then proceeded to do the rest of my bathroom necessities before heading back to Kuroo's room. He stared at me and smiled.

'What?' I asked as I grabbed his psp from his bed and shoved it in my pocket.

"You look cute." I felt my face heat up and I looked away towards the pile of school books and my school bag Aoi-san got yesterday.

'Shut up.' I responded gaining a laugh from Kuroo.

"Oh that remind me." Kuroo ran over to his desk and pulled a small notebook out from his drawer, he handed it to me. It was just a plain black notebook with nothing inside. "This is so the other kids can talk to you." I stared down at the book. I don't really want other people to talk to me, I just don't really like meeting new people, but Kuroo went out of his way to get me this so I suppose I'll use it.

'Thanks.' I shoved the notebook in my back pocket and grabbed my bag before heading downstairs.

"Don't forget breakfast!" Kuroo called after me as he rushed to grab his things to meet me downstairs. I wasn't really that hungry, I mean who can eat at six in the morning I'll just wait till lunch. I put the bento Aoi-san made for me in my bag right as Kuroo came downstairs. "Ready?" He asked slipping on his shoes at the door. I did the same and followed him outside.

The walk to school was cold and quiet, I couldn't think of anything to talk about I was way too nervous. I wasn't going to be transferring into Akaashi's class meaning I wouldn't know anyone, that was just adding to the stress that was already consuming me. Once we arrived at the main gate I saw tons of students walking around, talking loudly with their friends, it making me sort of scared. A lot of people go to school.

"You ok Kenma?" Kuroo said looking at me worried. I shook my head yes and stared at the crowds of people in front of me. "Relax you'll do great." We walked towards the front door together. "Remember your in class 2-5 I'll bring you to your classroom and get you before lunch so you don't get lost. Also you should try to talk to the other kids and make some friends. Oh and I'll have my phone on the whole time so text me if you need anything. And-"

'Kuroo I got it. You don't need to worry about me so much.' I appreciated how much he cared but I'm not a child, I can do things myself even though I really don't want to. All I've ever wanted to do since I first got homeschooled was go back to school, but now all the other kids are kind of scaring me. I haven't even talk to them yet.

Kuroo walked me to my class and then hurried to his own so he wouldn't be late. Luckily because I couldn't speak I was able to skip out on introducing myself in front of the class, instead my teacher showed me to my desk that was towards the back row but unfortunately in the center.

"I'm sure you've all noticed but today we have a new student, Kozume Kenma." Eyes, at least 20 pairs were focused on me. The teacher introduced me to the class since I couldn't do it myself, to say I hated the attention would be an understatement. I felt like everyone was judging me harshly just by looking at me. Even though I don't really care to make friends or talk to people I'm strangely worried about what others think of me. I don't want to be seen like an outcast but I don't want to be talked to either. "He is mute so I hope you will all help him adjust to the school. Kozume-kun did you bring your conversation notebook?" How did she know about that? I didn't even know about that till this morning. I nodded my head yes and she smiled brightly. "Great I hope everyone will be able to get to know him using this tool!"

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