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Hold up yall seeing this photo😳 Oh to be Kenma
Kuroo's POV

Luckily for me my parents were still dead asleep not that I thought they would be. It was pretty easy for me to sneak Kenma up into my room, I continued to hold his hand and guide him through the dark halls.

"You can sleep on the bed I'll grab the futon for myself." He nodded before plopping down on my bed and curling into the blankets. I took a good look at him before walking out of my room and towards the hall closet. Grabbing the futon I returned to my room to face an already sleeping Kenma. Makes sense, he's had a long few days. I studied the sleeping boy. His hair fell around his face, his eyes were closed softly, and his stomach rose and fell slightly. I wonder what he was dreaming about? I laid the futon out next to my bed and laid down. My parents would have to leave around 5 in the morning for work, meaning I can skip school to look after Kenma. We don't have much to eat though, my mom usually goes food shopping after work on Friday, so maybe it'd be good to go out for breakfast. I turned off my alarm, since there was no need to get up early, and drifted off to sleep.

I jumped out of the futon when I heard a rather loud gasp, it was light most likely early morning. I turned towards the sound to see Kenma shaking with his legs pulled up to his chest.

"Kenma?" I got up and walked over towards the bed to sit next to him. "Hey it's alright." I pulled him in for a hug which he accepted but didn't make any effort to hug me back, not that I minded. He continued to shake in my arms and cry slightly. I rubbed his back and tried my best to calm him down, although I don't even know what I'm calming him down from. A nightmare I assumed. "Relax you're ok, you're not at your house anymore." I guessed that was what his nightmare was about with everything that happened today it had to be, right? He didn't respond but eventually he stopped crying, still shaking a bit but not as badly, and relaxed in my arms. I waited a bit longer before trying to speak with him again. "Do you wanna talk-" I was cut off my soft snores, he'd fallen asleep just like that. How could someone go from complete panic to dead asleep in a matter of seconds. I laughed and admired the sleeping boy wrapped in my arms. I moved a bit to rest on the pillows, eventually falling back asleep myself.

Kenmas POV (A few hours earlier)

Kuroo left me alone in his room while he went to grab the futon. I felt kinda bad for taking his bed but I was too tired and it was to comfy for me to argue. I curled up under the blanket and buried by head into the pillows, it smelt like fresh laundry. I was scared to fall asleep, what if this was a dream and when I wake up I'm back home? I did my best to fight again my heavy eyelids but soon enough I fell asleep before Kuroo could even return.

When I opened my eyes again I immediately realized I was no longer in Kuroo's bed but rather laying on the floor in my own hallway. I was back home. It was dark and the only light was coming from the kitchen. I sat up and felt a large jolt of pain run through me, I had no idea where it started from. I shivered, I was cold and soaked... like someone poured water on me. I looked down and almost vomited at the sight, blood. I was drenched in blood. Who's? My own? Someone else's? Using all my strength I stood up and began to walk towards the only source of light in the house, the kitchen. The light was almost blinding even though it really wasn't all that bright.

"Ke-" I couldn't focus on the sounds of someone attempting to call out to me, my sight was glued to the kitchen. Blood was everywhere, why? What happened? "Ke-m-" Pulling my mind back to reality I looked around for the source of the sound. Behind the counter laid my dad also covered in blood. I rushed over to him trying to find out where the blood was coming from, however, I couldn't find anything he was just soaked in blood like me. "Y-your mom." Tears began to build in my eyes, what did she do?

"What are you doing Ken?" I whipped my head around to see my mother standing in the now perfectly clean kitchen. I turned back towards my dad but he was gone, not spot of blood left in his place, none on me either. Everything was completely clean. "What are you doing on the floor?" She walked over to me and I backed away from her gaining and annoyed sigh. "Whatever just clean your room before Shoyo gets here and don't tell him anything that'll get you in trouble ok?" I nodded my head and she turned to walk back towards the stove.

Before I knew what happened I was sitting on my bed in my room staring at the wall.

"Oi, Kenma are you even paying attention." I heard the familiar voice call out from behind me.

"Huh?" I turned around to fast the small, orange haired boy. What's happening? Am I... back in first grade? I looked down at myself and realized I was also much smaller, what's happening? Could that have all just been a dream?

"I said are you paying attention." He stomped over to me and sat next to me on the bed. I guess it is possible everything was just a dream, a bad nightmare. I looked around my room and at Shoyo, this seemed real so maybe. Suddenly I felt a strong gaze on me and I turned to see my friend staring at me.

"Uhh are you-" He cut me off quickly, he didn't look like his normal happy self.

"Why did you leave me Kenma, weren't we friends?"

"What are you saying?" I scooted away from the boy slightly but he just moved closer and closer, our faces were inches apart.

"Why did you let her do that to me?" I had no courage to speak, I was shaking, what was he talking about? "She's going to kill you Kenma." Who was he talking about! What was he saying! "You and Kuroo." I froze. Kuroo. How did he... I thought that was a dream. My mind began to spin, I can't wrap my head around what's happening. I closed my eyes tightly and soon felt the presence of the boy fade. I opened my eyes again slowly and realized I was back in Kuroo's room. However, something seemed off. I leaned over the side of the bed to peak at the futon below, it was empty. I crept towards the dark hallway.

"Did you think I wouldn't know?" Quickly, I turned around the face the voice of my mother, who was standing on the other side of Kuroo's bed. She was covered in blood. "Now look what you've done Ken? Everything was going well for him, it's a shame really." I didn't want to know who's blood was on her, from the way she was talking it almost sounded like... I don't even want to think about it. "You shouldn't have left, you just make things difficult for everyone else." She slowly walked towards me causing me to back up towards the wall. Eventually I hit the wall but she didn't stop moving. "I will find you Ken, and I'll take everything."

I jolted up shaking and crying, frantically looking around the room. Kuroo's room, I was in Kuroo's room. I found myself looking for my mother wondering if she was around, I still wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not.

"Kenma?" I heard his voice call out of the darkness, I looked around trying to find him before feeling pressure dip the beds mattress. He was sitting right next to me but was he really there? Was this still a dream? "Hey it's alright." He pulled me into a tight hug, he felt warm. this wasn't a dream, this was real. Kuroo was really here. I tried to relax a bit but I found it hard to stop shaking. "Relax you're ok, you're not at your house anymore." I took a deep, shaky breath and relaxed into his hug. Right I'm not home anymore. I'm with Kuroo, he was warm and safe, nothing like my home. We stayed like that for a few more minutes before I felt my eyes growing heavy once again, this time I let them close without fighting. If I was with Kuroo everything would be alright, I didn't need to be scared.

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